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ROLE MODEL - notice me 

     "Get up biiiitches, I'm home!" The door bursts open revealing Ria in an intoxicated state. Light from the other side pools into the room revealing Pete and I wrapped up in the bed sheets, my eyes squint close at the sudden light and stare at Ria. Groaning at them, I pick up my phone and look at the time that reveals it's 7 AM. They must've been out all night.

      Their body disappears from the doorframe revealing even more light as Pete laid there fully awake now staring at the ceiling. The sun outside was barely just starting to rise as the moon and stars started to retreat back in place. There was loud noises and talking happening in the kitchen as my eyebrows furrow. I stand up and throw on a shirt which happened to be Pete's causing it to pool around my figure. 

      Walking out towards the kitchen I see two people instead of one. Both of their backs were facing away from me causing my feet to slowly walk backwards into the space that I was in before. My back hits into something making a soft slapping noise, I stumble a little but I feel a pair of hands grip onto me for stability. I knew it was Pete so I didn't even bother to look behind me to see, waving my hand so he would see I point to the makeshift bedroom. We head back in and shut the door behind us quietly.

      "They have some guy over!" I whisper shout to Pete who stands there confused. "They never bring their hookups over unless they're doing it here." I glance around the room at the millions of clothing hanging on the wall. Walking over to one of the racks I grab a sundress and observe it. Taking off Pete's shirt, I throw it over to him which he catches as the dress slips onto my body perfectly, "Help me zip up?"

     Pete walks over with the shirt in one hand still looking half asleep. His hand rests on my back as he slowly zips up the light yellow dress that was held up by thin straps. The dress falls just below my knees and fit perfectly. 

      Ria wouldn't mind me borrowing this for a day right? Shaking my head at the thought I turn around landing myself in Pete's arms once again. I stand up on my tippy toes and give him a quick peck as a smile forms on his lips. 

      "You look so beautiful." He whispers at me.

      Fuck, I loved when he whispers anything to me. I give him a small smile and kiss him once again but for longer this time.

 I give him a small smile and kiss him once again but for longer this time

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Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now