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klergy & valerie broussard - start a war  

      The flickering lightbulb above me paused for a second leaving me in darkness but then reemerging showcasing my figure in the mirror. The door behind me swings open revealing Pete walking in with his head down. I was back into my old clothes now just chilling in the "dressing room" waiting for Ria.

     "Is your hand okay?" He wearily asked as I looked down at the now stained red white fabric wrapped around my hand. "I really didn't want to do that, especially to you." His head still hung low from guilt.

     Shaking my head at him, I grab his arm with my unharmed hand. "Pete, it's alright. It was just a small cut, it's not like I'm going to die or anything." Giving him a smile, I kiss him on the cheek and walk away to grab my other stuff. 

     My phone dings showing a text from Ria saying that they were ready and everything. It was still daytime out so we were going to make a couple of trips from my place to theirs. As I'm replying back I can feel Pete's gaze on me and I raise an eyebrow towards him.

      "What are you doing after this?" He whispers out loud enough for me.

      "Moving my stuff from mine to Ria's place, woo." I respond back with a slight sarcastic tone in my voice. He throws me a confused look and I put my phone in my back pocket. "Evicted or whatever. I'm just gonna stay at Ria's till I can afford a new place."

      A surprised face is thrown at me as he wraps himself behind me, "Babe! You should've told me, I would've helped." Immediately shaking my head at his statement we both make our way out with him still clinging from behind.

     "No no, really Pete. It's fine, I wanted to move out of that place anyway." I can't look at him to see his expression so I focus instead on finding Ria. Spotting their braided hair from a distance I make my way towards them as Pete starts to go on about how he could've helped in other ways. 

     Before I reach Ria I notice how Matthew is talking to them so I stop a few feet away from them turning around to Pete who's giving me the puppy dog face. Planting a quick kiss on his left cheek and throwing him a wink I turn back around and wait for Ria and Matthew to finish what they were talking about. Pete's arms were wrapped around my torso tightly in a protective matter of some sort.

     Matthew looks over for a split second followed by a hand run through his hair before he walked away ending their conversation. Ria looks over and walks over with concern over their face, they grab my injured hand and look over at it all while giving me a "are you crazy" look. Pulling my hand back to my chest, I roll my eyes at them. Shaking their head they walk back over to their station and start to clean the area up. 

      Grabbing their duffel bag and a bundle of clothes they walk back over whispering towards me, "We'll talk about this when we get to mine." Nodding my head, they walk ahead towards the elevator. Turning around I come face to chest with Pete's clothed torso. Flicking my eyes up to his face I observe the slight stubble that had appeared on the bottom of his face.

      "I guess I should go before Ria leaves without me." His face looks down at mine from the difference of height and he gives me a small smile. He shakes his head and pulls me in for a quick hug before letting me go.

      "Text me when you're done okay?" He more says than ask. Nodding my head I give him a quick peck and walk off clutching my belongings close to me. Before I can reach the elevator button, Matthew grabs my arm practically launching my body along to wherever he was heading. He pulls me into the room he had entered earlier without a word leaving his lips. My brows furrow as he sits down in a chair in the darkened almost blacked out room. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now