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joji - slow dancing in the dark

AHHHH TYSM FOR 1K READS!! <3 Now here's some Pete action ;)

    Once I reached the lobby I sat in one of the chairs that were mainly occupied by business wearing formal people. As I walked by to the seating I got stares from the gossiping panty-hose wearing women. Rolling my eyes I take a seat and pull out my phone to see Pete had replied back to me. 

Guess you'll have to tell me about it once you're done, where are you?

      The message was sent hours ago, yikes. Sorry Pete. 

In the middle of New York City :( no idea where tho. the address is Greensview Building, New york, NY 10111

      Hopefully he replies back soon, these stares I were getting are so uncomfortable. My hair was still in the tight braid and the makeup also giving my upper half of my body a way different vibe from my clothing. No wonder they were staring. I go onto Twitter and scroll through the pointless tweets for a few minutes before Pete replies.

Perfect, I'm in the city for a SNL bit. I'll come get you once I'm finished :)

      Thank god, I don't have to spend money on a cab or Uber. Getting comfy I slouch down on the chair and pull my purse onto my lap. I dig through it looking for whatever can entertain my small head of mine, pulling out cat like shaped sunglasses my eyes ponder on them. How did these get in here? I lost them months ago. Shrugging I put them onto my face seeing how it wasn't that late out that the sun had gone down yet.

     Going back onto my phone I go onto Instagram this time and look at the countless DM's of memes that Ria had sent me while I was shooting. Looking up from the phone and out to the busy street of people I see most of them wearing expensive coats and even some fur coats. Fall had just begun so the weather was getting colder. I know I was insane for only wearing a t-shirt but it was comfy. 

      I see a familiar body walking by and my body feels with joy just by looking at him. Grabbing my stuff I swiftly get up and head outside greeting the same worker at the door. He stands there with his hands shoved into his jacket pocket and I walk up to him giving him a hug. Looking down at me from his great height he hugs with a smile forming on his face.

     Grabbing my hand he leads the way through the crowd of people all busily trying to get to their own destination point. He peers down at me once again as we reach to a stop near a traffic filled street to cross.

      "What have you done all day? Are you hungry or anything?" He asks through the thick air of New York City.

     "Yeah, I could eat right now. I was actually doing a shoot, my first one. It was so weird." Our steps fall in line with each other as we cross with a group of other people. "It was for Gray Apparel? Their new line I guess."

     His head shoots over to face me and a concreted look falls onto it, "Like as in Matthew Gray?" He asks tenderly yet in a forced out tone.

     I nod my head yes and look up at him through my shades I was still wearing. "That's why my hair and face are like this." Taking my glasses off I show off the makeup look to him with a smile on my face. His hand lets go of mine and he holds my chin up as we stop in the middle of the sidewalk through pushing people. He nods in appreciation and grabs my hand once again leading me into what looks like a sandwich shop. 

     The aroma of the place was full of meat and cheese mixed with a little of vinegar. The place was empty except for the sandwich artists. They were both hunky Italian guys that greeted us with a loud hey and smile on their faces. My eyes danced around the brightly lit room surrounded by brick walling and posters from past decades. It had such a cozy feeling to it.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now