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selena gomez - bad liar

      Two weeks have passed since I've last spoken to Pete, I'm sure it was nothing bad just busy schedules between the two of us. I'm not sure if he just wanted me out of his life or if something happened with him but I'm not one to push someone if they want to be left alone. Shaking my head free of the thoughts, my foot presses down onto the pedal causing the machine in my hand to come to life.

       My free hand stretches the skin on the girl's leg, the outline of a bundle of flowers laid perfectly on her upper thigh. The blue ink from the transfer stuck out from her caramel toned skin as I begin sticking the needle into the first two thin layers of skin. The girl winces from the pain and I glance up giving her a sympathizing look. 

      "I found your page on Instagram," She winces again her already firm grip tightening on the arm chair, ",was so happy when I saw you did work in Staten Island, have you ever done tattoos out of town?" I glance up at her and dip the gun into the ink pot and go back to the design.

      "Yeah, when I first started I tattooed in Vegas for a bit before moving here." I state as I turn my  focus onto the design of the ribbon tying the bundle together. When I finish the line and wipe it down with a wet towel she looks at it as a smile beams onto her face.

      "Thats so cool! Have you ever thought about doing tattoos in New York City? You could make so much money out in the city honestly." She speaks while taking a video of the progress even though I'm nowhere near done. 

      I look up at her and nod, "I have actually, I'd love to open up my own shop one day out there. That way I can give upcoming artists a better opportunity especially for women in this workforce, there's still so much sexism in this field." I sneakily glance towards my boss Sean who stood near the main desk signing supplies off. 

      When I first got this job at the shop, I had to practically beg him to give it to me and not to another male. It sucks at times since I'm the only female tattooist here and under appreciated by my co-workers because of it. Sean looks over and throws a glare towards me, ever since I've posted Pete's tattoo and promoting my work on my Instagram I've been getting more clients than the other tattoo artists. Sean called it "unfair" and that I shouldn't "hog" the customers but it's not my fault they're choosing me as their artist. 

       My glove smudges the ink prompting me to have to clean the area around it again. "That's so cool, are you close to your goal yet?" I shake my head explaining how I'm nowhere close with how the commission works here and with how high rent is.

       She frowns at me and gives me a saddening look even though I don't need one, I'm doing fine with life right now. At least I have a stable job and an okay apartment, that's all I need in my life as I work towards bigger things. Sean starts to click his tongue loudly as loud rock music plays over the speakers, it being a huge distraction at times like this.

      Sean was a hatred-filled guy but I owed him for choosing my portfolio over the other ones. I may be the only female here besides Heather but she's just a teenager working receptionist as a high school job. He's the typical family man, he has a wife and two kids who are actually nice to others despite him being an absolute dick towards everyone. He used to be an exceptional good tattoo artist but now he barely did any of that since his illness affects his hand function most days.

      "Luna, once you're done with your client meet me in my back office." Sean yells over to me, I look back at him and nod. This tattoo was close to finished besides the  small shading of some parts. I switch to a magnum needle and explain to the girl how this'll hurt more than the regular outlining. Panic flashes through her eyes for a second before she calms down causing me to give her a reassuring smile. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now