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lorde - perfect places

When your eyesflutter shut, your whole world around you can transform just through sounds. Car horns, sirens, the gust of wind causing trees to sway, the slight splattering from rain drops just outside. Inside, the clicking of a heater turning on, dishes clanking together while being cleaned, footsteps descending away from the front door that was slammed shut just moments again by a leaving party member.

And once you've opened them, you're sucked back into reality. Staring up at the sky lights inside of the kitchen, I watch as the rain patters on the glass frames encasing it in a wet coating.

Get home safe pls <3 I'll text you tmrw

My thumbs type out to Pete even though I had said almost the exact same thing moments ago when he was physically here. Setting my phone down onto the counter I focus on the only other person still here, Fez.

He opted for cleaning the mess for me as a "housewarming gift" and I wasn't one to complain when it came to not doing dishes. The water splashes on the drinking cups since those were really the only dirty appliances left for him to wash.

"Your new friends are nice, I'm glad you're surrounded by people like that." He breaks the silence whilst turning off the faucet and turning around to face me. I nod my head causing strands of hair to fall out from behind my ear.

      "They are- they're supportive of me and what I'm doing in this mess of my life

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"They are- they're supportive of me and what I'm doing in this mess of my life." I reply back with a short laugh, he doesn't though he just nods his head. He wasn't one to show emotion a lot, he liked to keep things simple and blunt. Even if that meant hurting your feelings along the way.

Out of nowhere he grabbed the velvet box that sat hauntingly next to the sink for all of the party. His hands opened it gingerly as if it was a newborn baby he was scared of dropping.

"I'm guessing though that this friend wasn't here to show, yeah?" He takes the pendant out of the box dangling it up into the air.

My eyebrows scrunch at him confused, "No. He's more of a boss? Manager? Not sure what to call him."

His eyes flash from the jewelry piece to my face in a monotone state. He wasn't an easy person to read by the face so I was surprised by what he says next.

"Your manager bought you a coke necklace?" He speaks out causing me to start coughing on nothing but my own oxygen.

"Excuse me? It's just a necklace!" I try to defend even though having no idea what a coke necklace even was.

He shoots me a narrow look before coming up next to me and laying it down on the countertop. Grabbing onto the bottom of the heart pendant he starts to twist it off revealing a tiny spoon lightly dusted now replaced by the original capture. My eyes widen at the sight of it not expecting that to happen.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now