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taylor swift - tolerate it

p's pov

      "What the fuck?" I stared at the magazine that was placed in front of me by one of my nonsense friends. There was a low chuckle in front of me, looking up at Colson I notice the amused glint in his face lightened up by the flick of a lighter. "You would think this was funny."

      "You gotta admit, is she even your girl anymore dude?" He brought the joint he lit up a few moments up and takes a huff of it. Throwing a glare towards him I run my hand through my hair debating on what to do. Do I call her or leave her be with her family? 

      All of a sudden my device lights up on the table and starts vibrating against the wood, Colson leans over and starts laughing manically seeing it was her while handing his hand up to his ear like a phone. Letting out a groan, I quickly grab it and walk to the uni-sex bathroom located in the back of the club.

 Letting out a groan, I quickly grab it and walk to the uni-sex bathroom located in the back of the club

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      "Hey babe! Are you busy?" She whispers despite being on the phone. Darkness surrounds me as I shut my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Fuck.

    "Hey, no. Why?" I bluntly ask as a whole debate roars inside of my mind. She obviously knew about this, she was in it but why'd she hide it from me.

     There was a moment of silence followed by hushed whispers away from the phone. "I just wanted to know if you decided yet? On coming here or not." She sounded gleeful and hopeful. But I already have made up my mind, one she wouldn't like.

     "About that, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with leaving my mom and sister all alone. Um, I'm sorry." I lie through my teeth. I look up and stare at my reflection in the dingy mirror in this hole of a club located downtown Staten Island. Getting up closer to it I'm able to read the graffiti left on the reflective surface. Love letters to random hook ups, profanity, even the occasional penis drawing.

     "Oh," The glee and hope gone. "No, it's fine, I understand." I could tell she was forcing a smile on the other side just by the way she spoke those words. A sigh escapes my mouth unknowingly as an uncomfortable silence forms.

     "Is there a reason you called? Or was that it?" It didn't mean to sound harsh but it ended up being that way. On her side, I hear her suck in air and I wince knowing she took it directly.

      "No. That was it, bye Pete." Before I can respond or even explain she's hung up the phone and I was left by myself in silence. My hand hits the sink beneath me as my phone falls into it causing a clinking sound to echo the space around me. A pounding knock hits the door causing it to rattle followed by a screech like noise coming from the lady on the other side.

     Rolling my eyes I pick up the phone and swing open the door nudging my way past the dressed up forty year old woman whom thought she was still in her twenties. Reaching the table Colson and Ricky are talking to each other about some orgy that had happened at a party last night at one of their houses.

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