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pierce the veil - stained glass eyes and colorful tears

     I've been back home now for at least two weeks, and to say I've missed this place was an underestimate. Sure, New York had everything you could dream of but something about Vegas always had a spot in my heart.

     My old bedroom was cluttered with makeup products I wore in High School, drawings plastered messily on the walls, and cd's scattered on the floor. The white bedsheets were left the same along with the million blankets on top of it. Photos were taped onto the wall of people who I can barely remember the names of anymore.

     There was a gentle knock on the door, causing me to turn around and be greeted by my sister who was holding her phone in her hand. She took a sit on the neat bed followed by me sitting next to her.

     "What's New York like?" She asks with pleading eyes.

     "It's wonderful, to me at least. It's so magical and feels like anything can be done there. There's a shit ton of wonderful people there that I know you would love." A smile appears on my face at the mere thought of Pete and Ria.

      I wonder what they were doing at this moment, no one really knew I was coming back home expect for Pete. He was the one who pushed me to come back for a small break for myself.

      "Can we go get Starbucks?" I knew she didn't come in here just for a talk about my life, rolling my eyes as I got up nodding to her. Luckily I had a car here so we didn't have to walk the entire way there. 

     I've always had my license but I would never try driving in the streets of New York, I could barely do it here. Chelsea knew I was a terrible driver but for some reason she loved asking for rides whenever I was back home.

     We hop into the car and begin the ten minute ride or so to Starbucks, the streets here weren't ever busy it was just the fact of how terrible everyone was at driving. In New York everyone was in a rush to go somewhere but here they acted as if they had no idea where they were going. 

     "Drive thru or do you want to go inside?" I ask Chelsea as we near closer to the already so packed building. She ponders for a second before saying we should go inside, swerving into an empty parking spot crookedly we both get out.

     We enter the glass building together and stand in the long line together. We convey about our day even though barely anything has happened to us and talk about Christmas that was coming up. Even though our family weren't really that religious at all we still loved to go ham for Christmas. 

      After ordering and getting our drinks we decided to sit in for a bit at one of the tables and have a sister bonding moment which rarely happened.

      "So, when are we going to meet Pete?" She gives me a sly smile from behind her phone and I gently let out a laugh.

      "I'm not sure, I'll ask him what he's doing for the holidays." I smile back at her and sip the drink that I get every time. Despite the famous cafe being busy it was rather quiet as people studied or worked on their laptops, it was a comforting silence.

      Pulling out my phone I go onto Instagram, taking a photo of my sister and our drinks. As I'm posting the photo onto my story I hear my name being called out from behind me. Furrowing my eyebrows I turn around and see a girl around my age staring at me with her phone out. 

     "Oh my god!" She basically whisper-shouts out disturbing the comfort silence from before, "Hi! I always see you in magazines, you're so pretty."

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now