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FINNEAS - new girl

      The infamous pink door. Behind it laid where I had lived for a bit of my life. And where my best friend resided, by themselves at this point. The golden key glistened in the palm of my hand, I never had given it back to Ria. Inserting it into they key hole, I jiggle it till the door props open a crack.

     Sucking in a breathe of air, I trudge my way inside glancing around the open space that looked exactly the same since I was last here. A few things were changed though, not a big factor though.

      "Ria?" My voice calls out, ringing through the apartment that I knew had another person inside of it. Their car was outside, they had to be here. A head pokes out of their bedroom and they give me a panicked look.

     "Luna! What are you doing here?" Their eyebrows scrunch in confusion looking past me to the front door. "Wait, how'd you get in?"

     I hold the key up in the air before setting it down on the counter next to me. They walk out of the room, the only thing covering their body being a white sheet from a bed. My mouth gapes as I connect the dots, Dom must've been here.

    "Oh, is now a bad time?" I ask with wide eyes kind of uncomfortable. They nod their head before giving me a small smile that seemed to falter a little meaning something wasn't right. "Is Dom here? I haven't seen him in awhile."

     They shuffle on their feet staring down at the ground, avoiding my question and presence all at once. A thud hits the floor in the other room causing me to narrow my eyes at Ria. They start to shake their head as I go towards the room ignoring their protests.

     I push open the door expecting to see one body but instead I find two. Two people I never thought I'd see in bed together. My body twirls to Ria who was behind me, a million different thoughts going through my mind but for some reason I couldn't speak.

      "Oi, Luna! What 're you doin' here?" Dom speaks with a gigantic smile on his face, completely oblivious to the tension in the room. Ria lets out a sigh before pushing past me to put some clothes on.

 Ria lets out a sigh before pushing past me to put some clothes on

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Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now