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pierce the veil - today i saw the whole world

Bang. Pop.

      A warm liquid drips down my forehead on to my cheek leaving a trail of wetness, my index finger reaches up and touches it, it's red. My hands start to tremble causing me to slap my face which causes the liquid to smear on my face. I let out loud sobs and look around me only to see a darkened room with a single flickering lightbulb providing little to none light.

      My legs try to get up but I fall back onto the floor shaking only to realize I was chained to the floor. Shaking my foot, the chain rattles loudly causing a loud bang to happen outside of the room. Breathing heavily I stare towards the only opening in the room which happened to be the drain that was located in the middle of the room. With no doors or windows it was as if I was being kept trapped in a concrete cage. A throbbing pain shoots through my head down towards my eyes making it hard to even keep my eyelids open.


      The drain starts to bubble and the red liquid starts to pour out of it, coating the floor around it red. Looking around me now theres just the bubbling liquid flooding everywhere. The floor starts to flood with red, the walls have smeared red already, and my hands. Red. Hyperventilating the red liquid now stands an inch above my skin. Squeezing my eyes shut I swing my head back causing it to hit against the concrete wall behind me followed by a cracking sound.



      I awake to my body being strewed out on my beige grey carpet wrapped around in a heavy duvet blanket. Another night terror. Night terrors have haunted my life ever since I was a young teenager, no one really knew why. I unwrap my limbs from the blanket and look around my room for my phone but end up with no luck. 

     Peering down at my torso I notice that I'm still in my clothes from last night. Last night. The party. Fuck, I don't remember anything from last night after drawing Pete and getting high with him afterwards. What the fuck did we smoke? My head throbs from falling out of bed, so I force myself to go into the kitchen to eat something. I find a bagel and decide to toast it, while waiting for the toaster I end up finding my phone uncharged and dead on the counter.

       Hastily plugging it into the charger in my kitchen the dead battery sign pops up on it. My mind races with dozens of questions.

      How did I get home? What time is it? What happened last night after 10 PM?

      Glancing towards the microwave clock it reads 7 AM. A scowl forms on my face at the knowledge of how early it was for me to be up. The bagels pop up with a ding and I grab the scolding hot pieces and throw them onto a paper plate. As I open the refrigerator a cold gust of wind swarms my body causing me to shiver at the sudden contact of coldness. I grab the cream cheese container and slam the door shut before I get any colder.

      The butter knife shines against the kitchen light causing it to reflect onto the wall next to me as I dip it into the blue container of cream cheese. I spread the cream onto the bagel and take a bite, moaning at the tasty food that was entering my empty stomach.  My phone finally lights up so I throw the knife into the sink and walk towards it, bagel in hand. 

      First thing I check is Instagram incase I posted anything embarrassing which thankfully I didn't. Ria's story pops up on my feed but I ignore it knowing it'll be full of photos of their self. Exiting Instagram, I go onto snapchat and see that I did in fact post one thing from last night. It was only a photo of my boots near the campfire, nothing bad. My message icon is filled to the brim with notifications causing confusion to strew inside of me. There was even one unknown number that stood out against the many Ria messages. 

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