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taylor swift & bon iver - exile

     I sat there absentmindedly staring at the flat screen TV that came included in the new apartment. It didn't feel right being here, it didn't feel like home. Sure, it was a very beautiful apartment and was an absolute dream but it felt wrong. Instead of having me go get my stuff from Ria's Matthew had sent one of his interns to get it and bring it back. So all my clothes and everything else laid there next to the dark cherry red door untouched so far. I know I should go and put everything away but it hasn't sunk in yet how this place was somewhere I had to sleep in now.

      A couple of people had texted me about the new place but I didn't have the motivation to respond back, one of them being Ria.

     Congrats on the new place, it was about time.

      I knew they were still mad at me but I really did feel bad. Different colors flashed on my face from the TV screen as I rapidly switched through the channels before deciding to just leave some random entertainment show on. I get up from the couch and walk over to one of the huge windows accompanying the wall. Staring out of it, it showcases the city and the street below it filled with busy people. 

      The doorbell rings out in a shrill noise causing Arthur to perk his furry head up at the noise. I quickly make my way over trying not to slip on the wooden floor with the fluffy socks I had currently on. Opening the door and behold, there was Pete with a paper brown bag and a smile on his face.

      "Pete!" I say surprised but not really since I had a feeling when he asked for the address

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      "Pete!" I say surprised but not really since I had a feeling when he asked for the address. He pulls me into a comforting hug wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me close to him. His cologne filled my nostrils almost instantly in a comforting way. We pull away a couple seconds later and I shut the door behind him once he steps in. 

      "I come bearing gifts." He shakes the bag lightly and hands it over to me. I open it and peak into it and see wrapped up sandwiches. Giving him a smile I lean up and peck him on the lips as we walk over and take a seat on the couch. I hand him his sandwich and pull mine out as well.

     The paper wrinkled as I unwrapped it and take a bite out of it, it was from the sandwich place we ate at that one time when I had my first photoshoot. Things seemed so simple back then.

      "This is a really nice place? Your modeling pays for this so fast?" He questions looking around at all the expensive decoration laid out everywhere.

     "I guess so? I'm not sure, I think Matthew is paying for it." I shrug taking another bite as Pete pauses and an unrecognizable look shows on his face.

     His nose crinkles before he says, "Matthew has always got to be involved with you doesn't he?" I know he didn't mean it that way, but it sounded wrong.

    Frowning at his statement, I don't say anything back but rather just stare down at the sandwich in his hands. 

     "I know you don't like him. But he is my boss, it's not like I can just leave I'm under contract." I try to explain sounding as if I'm trying to convince myself and not him. From the corner of my eye I see him shake his head as he sets down the half eaten sandwich on the wooden table and leans back watching me. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now