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machine gun kelly - 5:366 

     A bright light surrounds me blocking everything around me. I tried to move my body but I couldn't, I was tied down. My eyes stare up at the white ceiling as black shadow figures surround me staring down at my body. Squeezing my eyes shut, I blink and they become distinctive besides the fact that they were wearing masks. I tried to scream but nothing came out as I thrashed around but the restraints held me back. Laughs started to echo around me and I feel tears well inside my eyes and threaten to spill.

      Gloved hands reach down to wipe the tear away and I quickly look over to see one unmasked person whose hand it had belonged to. It was Pete. He was amongst the others laughing as I struggled against the table, I started to sob and tried to scream but still nothing came out. Everyone started to laugh even harder and I just stared at the boy in front who shook his head and poked fun at my miserable state.

       My eyes flash open and I look down next to me to see Pete sleeping peacefully cuddled in a blanket. Touching my forehead, my fingers touch the glisten of sweat that was coating my skin. Carefully getting up I make my way towards the bathroom that Pete had showed me earlier today, we must've fallen asleep on the couch together. I shut the door behind me and flick on the light looking around the spacious room.

      Turning on the faucet the water rushes out filling the room with a calming water noise

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      Turning on the faucet the water rushes out filling the room with a calming water noise. Cupping my hands with water I splash my face with the cold water and stare at myself in his clean mirror. The lighting in here actually wasn't that bad as I stare down at my reflection that looked beaten down. Water droplets dripped down my face just like moments ago in my dreamland where I was held captive. My head rolls back and I look up at the wood ceiling as my head pounds from pain. 

      Opening the door I walk out into the darkness that was only lit up by the Are you still watching? Netflix screen. An empty glass cup stood out on the kitchen counter begging to be filled with water and to be drunk out of, so I did so. I filled it up and set it back down glancing over to my purse as my head continued to pound. My phone laid in there withholding what time it currently was since there was no windows down here. Carefully walking over I fumble around the contents until my hand lands on the rectangular object. The bright lit screen brightens up my face as my eyes squint at the sudden brightness. 

      5:36 AM. Well, it wasn't that early in the morning now I guess. I scroll through the numerous notifications that I had gained overnight, the sleep in my body slowly disappearing as my eyes scan over the many comments appearing, hundreds of Instagram notifications as well of Twitter. My eyes squeeze shut for a second, this is what they wanted. Holding my breathe I press onto Twitter first only to see my mentions are quickly filled up. I scroll through the many follows as well as reading some of the things people had mentioned me in. There were some positive things but many of it was hate. Cocking my head slightly to the right, my eyes gaze over the hurtful words.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now