17 <3

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hannah montana - ordinary girl

     The sun started to set casting an orange glow entering inside of the apartment that I stood inside of. Standing in front of the mailbox, I was squinting flipping through all of the mail in my hands. Red sweatpants and an old high school tee adorned my body seeing how all I had to was walk go downstairs to get the papers.  Shuffling through them as I make my way back up to my living space only being able to see bills waiting to be paid for. Biting the inside of my cheek, stress starts to fill me up seeing how hard it was going to have pay these off some how.

     My hand reaches for the rusted door knob but it's pulled away from me before I can even touch it. I look up at the figure who had opened the door for me and see Pete wearing almost the same exact as me. He may or may not have been spending a few days at my place with me. He wraps his hands around my torso and pulls me inside closing the door with his foot. Kisses started to flood my face as I scrunch my face at him trying to look down to read the papers in my hands.

     "Pete I was gone for like three minutes max." I laugh at him as he pauses the kisses before rolling his eyes at me and planting one last kiss on my lips. He unwraps himself from me and walks towards my kitchen with Arthur right behind him in trail. That cat hasn't left him alone ever since he first slept over three days ago. My cheek starts to feel sore as I continue to bite it as I read one of the envelops from my landlord. Fuck. I set down the other papers and open the envelope slightly tearing it since I could never properly ever open one.

      Unfolding the paper, my eyes are greeted by a hundred different words chasing after each. My eyes catch notice of some of those words and my body feels with dread. It was an eviction notice due to late rent. Fuck, I was supposed to pay last week but I didn't have all of it. 

      "You look stressed, what's wrong?" I look up and notice Pete's body standing in front of me eating an apple. Flashing a small smile I shake my head and place the paper on the counter to not make him worry.

      "Nothing, nothing. Aren't you meeting up with a friend later, right?" I ask diverting the attention to something different than my own struggles. He furrows his eyebrows and studies my face before taking another bite from the apple.

      Pete glances down at his pocket and pulls out his phone checking the time. "In an hour or so, I'm in no hurry." His eyes look behind me to the paper and then walks away followed by Arthur. I hurriedly grab the paper and stuff it into one of my kitchen drawers that went unused. Making my way to the rest of the pile, I shuffle through it seeing various spam and other bills that could wait. My hand stops onto one of the envelops that had a wax seal on it and a fancy embrodiment on the front of it. My fingers lightly lift the wax causing a perfectly fitting sized card to slip out into my hand. 

     There was gold writing carved into the black card making the gold stand out greatly. My eyes graze the card and widen at what it says.

      You are cordially invited to the annual Exotic Flower halloween bash. Costumes required as well as your spirit. October 31st. 9 PM to 4 AM. Address will soon be revealed.

      Well damn that's cryptic. I go over to Pete holding the card in my hand and stand in front of him as I show him with a form of excitement filling inside of me. It was my first time being invited to anything as exclusive as this. His eyes read over it and he smirks before nudging my shoulder.

      "Aw, it's your first invite. I remember the first time getting mine. Shit was so fucking creepy when you don't know what it is about at the time." He laughs to himself and a smile adjoins my face at the cuteness he always seems to beam out. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now