Chapter 54

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Yay. I am going to my boyfriend's manor, as a prisoner. At least I have got a little show out of it. The shortest snatcher took my bag and all of my jewelry. Which wasn't much. It was my locket, and my bracelet. And he didn't even get the bracelet off. He tried, and tried, but the spell Draco put on it was strong. He got so mad, that his face got red, and he stood on his toes to be my height. I was very glad he got mad after the bracelet and quite, because the necklace that was my mother's, Hermione helped my disguise it as an anklet.
With a loud pop, we arrived at the gate. It was probably made of pure silver, and had a lot of protection enchantments on it. Two foot Tim, the short snatcher that I heard someone call Tim, waved his hand in front of it. The gate opened with a creak. We walked (I more of hobbled) in there.
As we went into the doors, I looked at Harry. I had absolutely no idea on how we would live. The only person who doesn't hate us, is Draco. I gave a faint smile to Harry. I to tell him that somehow, we will live. But two foot Tim will probably get mad again, which would be hilarious, but I didn't feel like getting killed.
We went through giant doors. I gaped as we went the foyer, and gaped even more when we entered the sitting room. It had two magnificent black leather couches. A marble fireplace, and a silver chandelier. It was so damn depressing, though.
On one of the couches, sat a couple. A weathered man, and woman, both with platinum blonde hair. These people must be Draco's parents. Then, right next to them was the wicked witch herself. Bellatrix Lestrange. On the other couch, sitting alone, was Draco. From afar, I could see that he wasn't eating again, and he was deathly pale. I wanted to run to him. But I want an idiot.
Cruella got up, ahem, Bellatrix got up, and walked over here. Draco's parents followed, but Draco stayed. I wanted to call out to him, but, again, I wanted to live.
Bellatrix observed us, staring daggers at each of us.

"Now, what is this?" She asked. The head snatcher and two foot Tim pushed me and Harry forward. Bellatrix observed both of us. A wide smile sprung on her lips.

"Get Draco," she whispered to Mrs. Malfoy. Mrs. Malfoy turned around, to get Draco. When she reached him, she murmured something in his ear. His head turned around quickly. I saw his sunken eyes. He walked over, with his mother.
I kept my face clear from emotions. It was a useful skill I learned from the cave. I peaked at a mirror, to make sure I didn't look like an idiot. Nope. I looked bored. Like I have done this many times, and I did not care. The totally opposite of what I felt. I looked over to the others. Same exact face. I looked back at me to see the spell has worn off. Nope. But my eyes were back to their regular emerald green.
Draco walked in front of us. Two foot Tim pushed me forward, as well as Harry. He examined me. His eyes went to my bracelet that he gave me for my birthday. He looked back to my eyes. I nodded. Then, he studied Harry. He looked to Bellatrix.

"Why is his face all puffy?" He asked. I looked at Harry. Honestly, I think it went down a little.

"Yes, I am wondering that," Bellatrix said, looking at the head snatcher.

"He claimed he ran into a stinging jinx," Two foot Tim told them . His hands were playing with the hilt of the sword of Griffendor sword. Bellatrix observed that as well.

"Where did you get that?!" She shrieked.

"It was in dat girl's bag of hers," He smiled proudly at it. "It's mine now." Bellatrix shot a curse at him, that made him drop the sword. She went to pick it up.

"Cissy, why don't you take the boys down to the dungeons. I want me and the girls to have a girl to girl talk," Bellatrix hissed. I locked eyes with Harry. This isn't good. She is pissed. That is what we told each other. Guess which one was me.
Mrs. Malfoy dragged Harry, and Mr. Malfoy dragged Ron. They fought back, but it didn't work.

"Draco, take the blonde to the study, and question her," Bellatrix instructed. "We need to make sure who she is before we call the Dark Lord. You can torture her all you want. Once you are done, take her to me." Draco grabbed my hands, and put them behind my back. I pretended to struggle. He took me to some double doors I never noticed. When we got in, Draco pointed his wand at me.

"Draco what-?" I started.

"On the night that you learned to ride a broom, where did we stay the night?" He interrupted.


"Answer!" He took a step forward.

"In the treehouse," I told him, confused. He put his wand down, and pulled me into a hug.

"I had to make sure it was you," He murmured into my hair. He pulled back, and looked at me. "You look terrible."

"So do you," I laughed quietly. I looked
down at my outfit. A rustic orange t-shirt from W.W.W, some black jeans, my dragon leather boots, and a black jacket. I looked in a mirror. I looked like hell.
Draco leaned in and started kissing me. I put my hands in his hair, curling it between my fingers. He lifted me up onto the table. A flash of pain went through my left leg. I let out a shriek of pain. Draco instantly let go.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately.

"My left leg," I let out. "Snake bite. Probably infected." He walked to a cabinet.

"We need to talk about that little stunt you pulled at the ministry," he said. I rolled my eyes. He reached to the back and grabbed something. "No more of those. You could've died. Here, put this on your leg when you can." He handed me a potion. I put it in my pocket.

"Tha-" I was interrupted by Hermione's scream. I looked at Draco. He tried to catch me, but I already ran out the door, ignoring the pain in my leg. When I got there, Hermione was lying on the floor, and Bellatrix was leaning over her.

"Hermione!" I screamed. Bellatrix stood up, and gave me an evil smile. She walked towards me. I looked at Hermione once more, and I saw, carved into her arm, was the word, mudblood. I gasped in horror. I felt Draco beside me.

"Good, I just finished," Bellatrix hissed. "What should I put on you? Traitor? I like traitor. How the Dark Lord kindly raised you, and you turned out to be a traitor!" She started to me, but Harry and Ron got to me. Both had their wand in their hands. Harry was handing me mine. I took my wand, and grabbed Draco, wand pointing at his neck.

"Sorry," I murmured in his ear. He nodded, acknowledging my apology.
Bellatrix took Hermione in her arms, and put her knife up to her throat.

"Put your wands down!" She bellowed. "Or the mudblood gets cut open!" We all put our wands down. Draco went to Bellatrix's side. Bellatrix's eyes went to me. "Now that we see both of the Potters are here, call the dark lord!" Mr. Malfoy lifted up his sleeve, to show the dark mark branded on his skin. Seeing it brought memories back, from when Dumbledore died. I looked over to Draco, and his Dark Mark was showing as well. Harry was beside him. They both smirked at me, then Draco started to press it the Dark Mark. Odd language was coming out of their mouths. All of the sudden the room was empty, and the language was still pouring out of their mouth. I couldn't move, I only stood there staring. What were they doing? I lifted up my wand. What was I doing?! I tried to bring it down. I could feel the killing curse about to come out of my mouth. I tried to stop, then I remembered a lesson from Snape, to change the spell if you couldn't control it. So instead of Avacadovra coming out of my mouth, exspelliomious came out. Draco's wand flew to my hand. The odd language was still coming out of their mouth. They took a step forward, and-
Harry pulled me into reality. His eyes were wide. I saw that the wand was still in my hand. I looked over back to Draco, and he wasn't touching his arm, or an odd language wasn't coming out of either of their mouths. Draco's eyes were wide as well. My mouth gaped open.

"Come on!" Harry told me, his eyes confused. I saw the chandelier was on the ground, and Dobby was standing with Ron, who was holding Hermione, holding his hand, his eyes also confused. Harry took my hand, and took Dobby's hand, and apparated out of there, Bellatrix's knife following us.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now