Chapter 13

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I woke up in the hospital wing. Harry was sitting in a chair next to me, holding my hand.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Alright," I replied. "What happened?"

"At the party last night something happened between you and Malfoy, he hurt you in some way. So you went to the forbidden forest. Malfoy followed you. When you saw him you yelled at him to leave. So he did and went to get me. You weren't where he left you. We looked for you, until you screamed. You fell into a hole, and landed on your side. We got you up and took you Hargid's, then here," he said.

"Wow," I said. I remember what happened between me and Draco. I still can't believe he did that, then helped me.

Almost all of griffendor 6th years came to visit me. I was quite surprised. All I talk to is Ron, Hermione, Harry, Luna, and Neville. Luna visited me as well. On my last day I had a visitor that surprised me, Draco.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I asked.

"To see you. I did help save your life, or did your brother leave out that part?" he asked.

"He told me, we aren't on good terms, so," I said.

"I still have no idea what I did," he said.

"Stop it! Stop trying to act like you didn't leave me in that corridor, about to cry my eyes out! Leave," I told him. He left, looking hurt.

"I think you are good to go, dear, go back to your dorm," madam Promfrey instructed.

"Yes mam," I told her.

On my way back Cormack walked beside me.

"I heard you are single," he said. Then he pushed me against the wall kissing me over and over.

"Stop!" I screamed. I tried to get my wand, but it was in my pocket. I continued to struggle.

"What Malfoy did to you was terrible. The look in your eyes probably gave him satisfaction," Cormack murmured, still kissing me.

"Stop!" I said again. Just then somebody lifted him off of me. At first I thought it was Harry, then I saw it was Draco. He punched Cormack in the face.

"Stop please, Malfoy," I said. He gave me a sad look, then let Cormack go. I walked over to Cormack, and put his face in my hands. Draco was staring at him with hatred in his eyes. I pulled him toward me slowly tilting my head. Then I punched him. Hard. Draco started laughing.

"You idiot! You did that on purpose! You broke up me and Draco using the polyjuice potion. You see I could get you easily expelled, but I won't if you keep your mouth shut about me and Draco. Agreed?" I threatened.

"Fine!" he said.

"Good, off you go then," I say. He ran looking at me.

"You have some fire, Hallie," Draco commented.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I thought it was you who said that," I apologized.

"It's alright, my dear. Do you want to meet on the astronomy tower, tonight?" He asked

"Yes, see you then," I said. I went to my dorm. When I went in Ron, Hermione, and Harry engulfed me in hugs.

"Harry I am so sorry, it was stupid of me to go to the forbidden forest," I told Harry in his ear.

"It is okay, just don't do that again," he told me in my ear. Once everybody was asleep I sneaked up to the astronomy tower.

I saw him waiting bye the edge. I walked up beside him.

"The view is beautiful," I commented.

"It isn't the most beautiful I've seen," he said. "When I look at you there is the most beautiful view."

I burst out in laughter "You are so cheesy!"

"Hey! I am wounded," he said jokingly.
"Okay, here is the reason I asked you up here... Do you want to go steady?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Yes. Yes I will go steady," I replied.

"I was going to ask you the night at the party, but you know," he said nervously.

"Draco Malfoy, nervous?! I am in shock!" I teased.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh yes, I want to give you this," he said giving me a necklace.
It was silver locket. I opened the locket and it wouldn't open. I frowned.

"Why won't it open?" I asked Draco.

"All you have to say is: my slytherin prince," he said.

"My slytherin prince," I said. the locket opened. When it opened there was a picture of me and him kissing, and on the other side was me and Harry hugging.

"This was from when we first kissed, and me and Harry. Draco it is perfect," I said hugging him.

"Yes it was. The locket is only supposed open at your voice, so if anyone tried to opened it, it would wouldn't open," Draco said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now