Chapter 28

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We apparated and we next to the Thames River.

"The Thames river?" I asked.

"Yes, we have reservations for a private dinner cruise," he told me. "but we aren't who we at we are. Your name is Lily Evans. My name is James Boyd."

"Sounds fun," I said.

"Come on," he said taking my hand and leading me on a boat. He lead me to a private table with blue roses. He pulled a chair for me. I sat down in it. He got in his chair.

"This is all very nice," I commented, looking around. "but how could you afford it. I mean with muggle money?"

"We Malfoys are rich in both muggle and wizard money," he said.

"Speaking of names. Why is it that we don't have our real names? Even though I do like to be called my mom," I asked.

"Just to be safe. I don't think there is any wizards, but I would not like to have some Death Eaters or ministry workers crashing our date," he said. I blushed at the word date.

"Would you like anything to drink," a waitress asked.

" Red wine," I said.

"Same for me," Draco said.

"2 glasses of red wine will be right out," she said.

"Now what do I want to eat?" I asked myself. I decided on tomato basil pasta.

"You know what you want?" Draco asked.

"Yes," I said. We ordered our food and chatted. When it got there we ate and chatted.

"Dessert?" the waitress asked.

"Yes, some triple chocolate cake please," Draco said.

"It will be right out," she said.

"Draco, I want to ask you a question," I said.

"Yes?" he said.

"It's very important," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"What is your favorite color?" I asked.

"That is a very personal question," he teased with false seriousness

"I know," I said.

"Green. Not because of slytherin, though. It is the color of your eyes. I never realized how pretty it was until I saw your eyes," he said. I blushed.

"Here is your chocolate cake," the waitress said. "I have a question. Why haven't I seen you two around. I have lived in London my whole life, and I never seen you,"

"We go to a private school in Scotland," Draco said. "It is called Hogwarts."

"Yes, it is considered the best of the best," I said.

"Hogwarts.... You two are wizards!" she exclaimed.

"What?! I mean wizards don't exist," I said looking at Draco.

"No, don't worry, I am a witch as well," she said. I cover my scar with my hair.

"I can believe why you wanted to get a job for muggles, then," Draco said.

"Yes, well I will leave you be," she said. We ate the cake together in silence. Once we got done he lead me off the boat. We apparated to the burrow. He

kissed me passionately.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you," I told him.

"I will see you when I see you," he said, then he apparated.

"See you when I see you," I murmured.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now