Chapter 16

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The last night before we leave Draco and I meet on the astronomy tower. I got him a gift at hogsmade. It was a book. The book had pictures in it of us. I have one just like it. It is charmed if I wrote in mine it would show up in his. So we can talk long distance. It was wouldn't open unless he said "My Griffendor princess" I got the idea of the password from the locket he gave me.

"Hello," I heard Draco say. I turned around and gave him a big kiss.

"I got you a present," I told him.

"I thought we agreed not to give each other presents," he said.

"Well I decided to," I said. I handed him the box I put it in. It was a small box, because the book can change sizes. He opened the box and pulled out the book. He tried to open the book.

"Try my Griffindor princess," I said. He said that and the book grew and opened.

"What you do is go to the first empty page and write in it. It will show up in my book. I can write back, and only you and I can see it," I explained.

"Alright, well here is your present," he said handing me a long box.

"We agreed not to give each other presents," I mimicked him.

"Well I decided to," he mimicked me. I opened the box and it was a broom.

"Is this a firebolt 300?!" I squealed.

"Yes," he said. "you need your own broom, and I thought I would get you the fastest and the best."

"Do you want to take it on a test ride?" I asked.

"I can't I have to go," he said. I pouted

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow, on the train," I said.

"See you," and he walked off. I snuck down to my dorm and put my broom under my bed and fell asleep.

The next day, on the train Hermione and I sat in our own compartment.

"What is an unbreakable vow?" I asked Hermione.

"It is a vow that can't be broken. If it is, the two people that made the vow will die," she said. I took out my book and started writing in it.

So, how's life?

It is okay.

Everything alright?


You aren't telling me something.

I have to go.




I put up the book confused. He wasn't telling me something, and I was to going to figure it out.

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