Chapter 31

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The next four days flew by. Bill and Lupin couldn't find Mad-Eye's body. They searched all over where they flew and they couldn't find it. His body was probably taken by Death-Eaters. Fred and George closed down their shop. But they gave Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I most of the items. Just in case. Draco and I have been talking to each other via book. Today, my birthday and the wedding, he sent me a diamond bracelet with a emerald snake on the back of my palm. He told me in his letter that it can only be taken off by me or him. I wore it every day, like the necklace he gave me. I put a spell on a blue beaded bag, like Hermione's purple one, and packed it with stuff we need to hunt horcruxes. It had clothes, food, books, potions, blankets, and stuff that Fred and George gave me.

As for the wedding, Harry and I couldn't be ourselves. Just in case people let it slip of we were there. Harry was going as cousin Barney Weasley, and I was going as Fluer's best friend, Isabel Belrose. They used a polyjuice potion for Harry and used some simple spells to make me a little bit taller, a sharper face, and blonde hair for a few hours. I was going to be the maid of honer, since I was the 'best friend'.

"Hermione, why do I have to wear heels?" I whined. I looked down at the dress I was wearing. It was pink with a lot of ruffles. It went down to my knees and I had to wear some sparkly heels. And trust me, I am very clumsy so I can't walk in them.

"Because Fluer wants you to," Hermione said.

"HALLIE, HARRY GET DOWN HERE!" I heard Mrs. Weasley yell. Hermione smirked. I walked slowly down the steps. Once I finally made it down there Harry came down. We walked into the kichen where presents were stacked. I looked at Harry, surprised. He looked just as surprised.

"Now, Harry the stack on the left is yours, and Hallie the right is yours," she said. "That's our present on top of both of yours." I took the parcel on top of the pile. I opened it and in it was a watch. It was gold with stars circling around the face instead of the hands. I noticed Harry had one similar.

"It's traditional to give a witch or wizard watch when they come if age," Mrs. Weasley said. "Both of yours isn't new like Ron's, Harry's is from my brother Fabian's, and Hallie's belonged to my sister, Charlotte. I am sorry they both have dents and-" Mrs. Weasley was cut off by Harry and I engulfing her into a big hug.

"It's perfect," I said. We continued on to open our presents. Hermione got me a copy of Hogwarts: A History, Ron got me a copy of How to Understand Men, which got him a elbow to the stomach by Harry, Bill and Fluer got me a hair dryer that does your hair in any style you want it to be, chocolates from Fluer's parents, who arrived yesterday, a enormous box of more things from W.W.W, and a signed poster of the captain of the Holly Head Harpies. Harry told me he would give me my present from him in private. And I will do the same. I looked around to see Ginny pulling Harry in her room. I decided to give them some privacy and I sat on the couch to write to Draco.

What's up?

Nothing. Happy birthday by the way. Did you like my present.

I loved it. You need to stop giving them to me, or I wouldn't have anywhere to put them.

There is nothing you can do to stop me! Mwhahahaha.

Nooo! Hey I have to go, Ron is yelling at Harry for some reason.


Okay. Hey let's not get or this book, just in case, you know.

Yeah, bye.


I looked up from my book to see what's going on. I saw Ron pulling Harry outside with Hermione following. I ran after them.

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