Chapter 15

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I woke up hearing somebody crying. I got out of bed and went over to Draco's room. He was sobbing into his pillow. I leaned down and shook him gently.

"Draco, wake up please," I whispered. He opened his eyes is shock. "It's okay, it is only me." I kiss him on the lips softly. I started to go to my room.

"Hallie, will you stay?" he asked. I turned around and sat on the bed.

"I will," I said. I sat there stroking his face. He put his hand up and pulled me down. He put me under the covers. I curled in the covers, facing him, as he stroking my face. I smiled, then I fell asleep.

"Wake up, my princess, it's time to go to your dormitory," I heard Draco say. "I made breakfast, and you didn't eat last night."

"You made breakfast?" I asked stunned.

"Don't act surprised," Draco said. "Alright I used magic." We went to the kitchen. He gave me a plate of chocolate chip waffles.

"My favorite! How did you know?" I asked.

"I pay attention," he said. I started eating when I realized Draco wasn't eating.

"You didn't eat either Mr.," I said.

"I am not hungry," he replied.

"All right I will force feed you," I laughed. I cut a piece of my waffle and picked it up with my fork. I stuck it in his mouth, glaring at him playfully. "Chew and swallow," He did as told.

"You are probably the most stubborn person I know," he told me.

"Suck it up," I said. "Now I am going to split the waffle in half, and you are going to eat a half. Got it?"

"Got it," he rolled his eyes.He did as told while I was watching him like a hawk.

"Good boy, Draco," I laughed when he finished.

"Come on we have got to go," he said, getting up out of the chair.

"Hold on I need to ask you a question," I said.

"Ask away," he smiled.

"Will you be my date to Slughorn's Christmas party? We are supposed to have one," I asked.

"Won't it make everyone suspicious? I mean we despise each other," he joked.

"You are correct, alright, but if I go with someone else would you get mad? We will go as a friend, of course," I said.

"I trust you 100%. I wouldn't care, my princess," he said. "Let's get going." We mounted our brooms, and went of to the broom cupboard.

"See you my enemy," I said.

"See you my nemesis," he said. We went off in different ways. When I entered the common room I was cornered.

"Where have you been!" Harry asked.

"Why does it matter?" I snapped.

"You weren't in the castle," he said. He had the murder's map, I forgot.

"I was in the room of requirement," I lied.

"Hermione and looked in there," he retorted.

"Have you thought I wanted to be somewhere where nobody could find me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for being so annoying. Hermione had thought you were with a boy!" Harry laughed. "but you would tell me wouldn't you?"

"Yes, I would," I lied.

The next week was the Christmas party, and the day before that I still had no date. I was looking around the common room for a date. I spotted Neville.

"Hey, Neville!" I said walking over to him.

"Hey, Hallie," he said, waving.

"Will you go to Slughorn's Christmas party with me? As friends?" I asked. I started to move side to side, a nervous habit.

"Sure," he said.

"Thank you. I owe you one," I told him.

"No problem," he said. I saw Harry looking at me nodding.

The next night I put on a knee length dress that went down in the back. The dress that was mint green, and it had a gray bow below on my waste. I wore my hair down and I wore my locket Draco gave me.

Neville and I walked toward the party in silence. When we got there I instantly looked for Harry. He was in the curtains with Hermione. I went into the curtains leaving Neville with Luna.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"Avoiding Cormack," Hermione explained, stuffing her face.

"What are you eating?" I asked her.

"Dragon balls," Harry said.

"Appetizing," I said sarcastically.

"Here he comes!" Hermione said slipping away, handing Harry the dragon balls.

"I think she just went to powder her nose," Harry said to Cormack. I glared at him, and he glared back.

"What are these things?" Cormack asked, stuffing his mouth with dragon balls.

"Dragon balls," said Harry. Snape opened the curtain. When he did Cormack threw up all over him.

"That will be months worth of detention, Mcladdin," Snape said while Harry and I tried to slip away. "Not so fast Potters."

"Sir I really think we should rejoin the party. Our dates," Harry said.

"Both of your dates can surely survive on their own for two minutes. Besides I only want to deliver a message. Professor Dumbledore asked me to give you two his best and you enjoy your holidays, you see he is traveling, and he won't return until term resumes," Snape told us.

"Traveling where?" I ask. Snape walks off ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. Just then the door opened and I saw Filch pulling Draco by the shoulder.

"Get off me, you squib!" Draco tells Filch.

"Professor Slughorn, sir, I just discovered this boy, lurking, in an upstairs corridor. He claims to be invited been invited to your party," Filch tells Slughorn. I gave Draco a questioning look, but he just shakes his head.

"Alright, alright, I was gait crashing, happy?" He told Filch.

"I will escort him out," Snape said.

"Certainly, professor," Draco said. They walk out. Harry and I look at each other and nodded and we followed them.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl, maybe I didn't," Draco said. "what is it to you?" Snape pushes him against the wall.

I swore to protect you I made the unbreakable vow," Snape said.

"I don't need protection," Draco hissed. "I was chosen for this, out of all others me, and I won't fail him."

"You might not need protection, but she might," said Snape. I froze. They were talking about me! "If the dark lord finds out she will be put under the crutiatus curse, or worse."

"I can protect well on my own," Draco said.

"We will see," said Snape. Why would he be involved with me and Voldemort?

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now