Chapter 59

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Once we were up in the air, I was transfixed. Underneath us was the once busy streets of Diagon Alley. It looked as if all of the color was drained from it.
"Harry?" I called. I turned my head, knowing he was beside me. He lifted his head up.
"Harry, when you first saw Diagon Ally, what was your reaction? Describe it in one word."
He smiled. "You will have to experience it when the war is over with." I rolled my eyes.
"Sleep," he said. "I know you're exhausted."
"You know me so well, brother," I said in a mocking voice. He laughed. "now tell me, how am I supposed to sleep on a big ass dragon, such as this one?"
"Come here," he held his arm out, and I leaned into him, and shut my eyes. I imagined what would've happened if Merope Gaunt wouldn't of met that muggle, Tom Riddle. If our parents had lived. I could close my eyes, seeing us as a happy family. Going home every summer to loving parents. Having my dad giving Draco the look all boyfriends got from the fathers, like the look that Fred and George Weasley and Harry gave him. Having a mother that gives me advises me about life, and brushed my hair when I was little. Not that I'm grateful for my family as of now. Harry, Hermione, Ron and the rest of the Weasleys, as well as Draco. As I thought about that, I fell asleep.
"Hallie, wake up," I heard Harry's voice behind me. My eyes flew open, and I didn't know where we were. Then I remembered, on the back of a dragon.
"Whaaaat?" I groaned. I rubbed my eyes beneath my glasses. I looked down to see that we weren't that far from the water.
"We have to drop soon!" Harry yelled to everyone.
"When?" Hermione yelled.
"NOW!" Harry shouted. I let go of the dragon, and went flying down into the black water.
I hit the murky water. I opened my eyes to see only black. I looked around, running out of breath, for Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I tried to kick up, but I couldn't move my legs,. I started to thrash around, trying to move my stiff  legs. I started to see white, and I knew what was coming up. All I could think was, Why? Why now? As I started to fall into the white light.
I saw Voldemort. He was in a fit of anger. He was hitting random death-eaters with the killing curse. I had the slightest idea why he was quite unhappy, and I smiled, hoping it was us. The scene changed, to a blurry image. It zoomed in, so I could see the face of a lady, who was running through the forest. I saw that same girl as a statue in a circular room, with a eagle behind it. I realized this was the ravenclaw comments room. Then I saw a quick flash of some sort of diamand studded tiara.

I opened my eyes to see Ron, Harry, and Hermione leaning over me, with a concerned look in their eyes.

"What is it?" I asked. I felt on my mouth. "Do I have some sort of food on my face?

"Funny," Harry sighed, but he looked relieved. I looked at Harry

"Have you told....?" I asked. He nodded. "Good, saves me a few minutes." I laughed at my self.

"I still cannot believe that you both let him in!" Hermione commented.

"We cannot help it!" Harry and I cried at the same time.

"So are we going to Hogsmade, or what?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, let's go," I said, getting up.

"Wait, what about a plan?! We need to form a plan, and figure it all out," Hermione said.

"Hermione, it's not like any of our 'formed plans' work out, and every time they even try to, they fail miraculously," I reminded her. She rolled her eyes, and held her out her hand.

"To Hogsmade we go," Ron said as we all held hands, and apparited

I am soooooo sorry I haven't been updating! I've been busy with stuff!


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