Chapter 29

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The next week was when Harry was flying over to the burrow.

"Can I please go," I pleaded Mr. Weasley.

"We can't risk one you," Mr. Weasley said sternly. "You know we wanted to take Harry by apparition, but it the travel system is watching for him and where he goes. There are going to be a couple of Death Eaters, no doubt, and they are going to be after you two."

"Fine," I muttered.

"It's okay dear," Mrs. Weasley said sympathetically.

Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Bill, Fluer, Ron, and Hermione left a hour later. I went into the living room and got out my book. I haven't gotten it out all summer. I looked through it until I got to the message page. There was one message that was on there and apparently it was the day after Draco visited me.

They know your plan. Don't send them out. There will be tons of Death Eaters.

I threw the book down and ran Mrs. Weasley.

"They know our plan."

"What are you talking about, dear?" she asked.

"Draco, sent me a message and I haven't checked all summer. This is all my fault!" I sobbed.

"It's not your fault. All of those people out there performs extraordinary magic," she said rubbing my back.

"But still we have to get supplies ready for wounds," I said. I ran to go and get my healing books and Ginny and Mrs. Weasley got herbs and got the couch comfy. I went over healing spells while I paced.

"Episky, for healing minor broken bones," I muttered.

One hour passed and nobody appeared with their portkeys. Harry was supposed to be the third portkey and the first two had already arrived.

Eventually we heard a loud crash and we ran outside. Harry and Hagrid were laying beside a old hairbrush. Harry threw it aside.

"Harry!" I exclaimed and ran into his arms, hugging him. "If you would of died I would've killed you."

"A good 'oh Harry you are alive I will cherish every moment of you life now and bring you cookies whenever you want me to' would've done good," he said in a poor imitation of my voice.

"Nah," I said walking to check on Hagrid with Mrs. Weasley to give Ginny and Harry some time alone.

After Harry and Ginny got done making out Harry turned to us.

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us," he told us. He explained everything. From Hedwig dying to Voldemort catching up to him.

"We thank goodness you are all right," Mrs. Weasley said hugging Harry.

"Do you have any brandy, Molly?" Hagrud asked. "for medical purposes." Mrs. Weasley ran off to the house. Ginny and I explained who was supposed to be back.

"Ron and Tonks should've been back first, then Dad and Fred," Ginny told him.

"If they made it George and Lupin should be here shortly," I said. Mrs. Weasley reappeared with some brandy and gave it to Hagrid. Hagrid uncorked it and drank it. No one paid any attention to that because we saw a glowing blue light. Lupin was supporting George, who was unconscious and covered in blood. Harry and I ran toward and grabbed George's legs. We put him on the couch where Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, and I made a little medical station. I took his head in my hands and tried to find what was wrong. His ear was missing. I gasped and Mrs. Weasley let out a sob. Lupin grabbed Harrys arm and led him to the kitchen I followed.

"What creature sat in the corner of my office the first time Harry Potter visited my office at Hogwarts!?" he said. He gave Harry a hard shake. "Answer me!"

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