Chapter 56

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"We need to go to see Griphook," Hermione announced to Bill after we hugged. Harry and Ron nodded. I nodded as well.

"Follow me," Bill told us. He turned around, and went out the door, with Fluer at his side. I noticed that they laced their fingers together as soon as we got out the door. I wished I would be able to do that in my future. Doubtful, as many people want to kill Harry and I, but I hoped.

"Here," Bill stopped by a door at the end of the hallway. I opened the door, and stepped inside. Ron, Hermione, and Harry followed.
Sitting in a armchair was a goblin. His eyes were closed, and he hasn't moved a muscle.

"How are you doing, Griphook," Hermione asked nicely.

"I'm alive," I rolled my eyes. No!!! Really??!!! I wouldn't of guessed!! Harry shot me a look. I rolled my eyes again.

"I don't think you remember when-" Harry was cut off by Griphook.

"The day I brought you to your vault Mr. Potter in diagon alley? You and your sister are famous throughout the goblins, Harry and Hallie Potter," he interrupted. I looked at Harry. Apparently every one knew about me in the cellar, except Harry. Why does nobody tell us anything?

"I presume that you both buried the elf, Dobby," Griphook continued. Harry and I both nodded.

"You have also brought me here. You are both a very strange wizards," He looked at the sword. "And how did you come by that."

"It's rather complicated...Why did Bellatrix think the sword was in her vault, when we actually had it?" I said, while crossing my arms.

"As you say, it's rather complicated." Smart ass.

"We didn't steal the sword, if that's what you mean," Harry told him. "It presented itself when we needed it most. Griphook pointed at the sword.

"There is an identical sword in Madame Lestranges vault. But it is a fake. They are so similar that only a goblin could tell them apart, because this one is goblin made," He explained slowly.

"When was the fake put in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione asked curiously.

"This summer, by a hogwarts professor. The same professor, who is now headmaster," Snape? I shot a confused look at Harry. Why is it always Snape who confuses the hell out of me?

"Snape? He was the one who replaced the sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why would he do that?" Ron looked at equally confused as I was.

"You have no idea how many unusual things in the vaults in Gringotts," Griphook murmured.

"Is there something in Bellatrix's vault?" Harry asked.

"Maybe," the goblin stated.

"We need to get in that one particular vault," Harry told Griphook.


"On our own, of course. We aren't a bunch of idiots. However, if you accompanied us, perhaps we could get inside," I leaned casually against the dresser, trying not to fall.

"Why would I help you?" The goblin asked.

Well maybe we just saved your damn life, I thought.

"We have gold. Lots of it," Harry suggested.

"Gold doesn't interest me."

"Then what does interest you?" I asked sweetly.

"That sword, the price of me helping me is that sword," Griphook nodded at the sword. Harry nodded. What!? We needed that sword! We started walking out, when the goblin spoke once more.

"I need to see you, Hallie Potter," he said. Ugggg. I was tired of this guy. "And Hallie alone." I walked back in.

"What?" I asked tiredly.

"You could have more respect for me, Miss Potter," Griphook sneered.

"What would ever so want?" I asked nicely.

"I observed that at Malfoy Manor, that you didn't seem... yourself," I nodded slowly. What does this have to do with anything?

"Yeah, so," I said nervously.

"Well, it seems as if you weren't in control of yourself, as if, someone was possessing you," The goblin looked at me.

"It does not mean anything," I met his stare with a glare. "And if it did mean anything, I would have it under complete control."

"You are a fool for ignoring it," Griphook laughed coldly.

"I have it under complete control," I muttered.

"It's obvious that he takes complete control over you, and you can do nothing about it. Miss Potter, you and me both know that you won't survive this without killing somebody that you care about."

"I said, I can handle it without anyone's help. I certainly won't kill anyone," I hissed. "And I definitely don't need you lecturing me about it." I turned around and stalked away. I had it in complete control. He can't make me kill anyone. Can he?

( A/N I am so sorry this is late, I have been very busy lately. But hopefully I can get the next one up soon!"

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