Chapter 27

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"Fred! George! I am going out on break!" I yelled at my bosses. Over the summer I thought I should've gotten a part-time job where I don't have to worry about the ministry interfering.

"Alright!"they yelled back. I went out and started to the only place that's open to eat in a Diagon Alley, Accio Sprinkles. I walked inside the shop.

"Hello, Hallie. The regular?" the shop owner, Mrs. Avil, asked when I walked up.

"Yes mam." I said. She got me a iced mocha latte and some chocolate frog ice cream with chocolate chips.

"That will be 6 sickles," She said. I handed her the money. I went outside and sat at one of the outside tables reading the History of Magic while eating my ice cream.

"Well, somebody decided to catch up on her reading," I heard someone say. I sat up quickly and I pointed my wand at the person that said that. It was Draco.

"You scared me to death, Draco!" I exclaimed while I ran into his arms. "I could've hexed you! How did you know where I was?"

"Word is that you have a job, and I thought you would be with somebody you could trust, and that was the Weasley's," Draco said. He looked at my food. "Chocolate? Do you mind sharing? I haven't had chocolate in forever."

"Of course, let me go and get some more," I told him. I went to go get some more chocolate frog ice cream. While we ate, we chatted.

"I need to tell you my past," I said. I've been thinking about this. I've already told Harry. I told him on the train on the way back from Hogwarts." For the fourteen years, before Voldemort came back, Snape taught me magic. I don't know how he did it without the ministry knowing, but he did. He was good to me. Then Voldemort came. He on the other hand was terrible. All he fed me was a piece of rotten celery. Every time we had 'lessons' he used the crutiatus curse on me to make me stronger."

"We need to forget about that," Draco said. "I can be here for only one day, so let's make the best of it."

"I have to work," I told him.

"Let's go and see if your bosses can let you off today," he said heading toward W.W.W.

"Okay, hold on," I getting up. We walked in W.W.W. "Fred! George!"

"Yes," they said coming down the stairs. They looked at Draco.

"Somebody decided to bring her boyfriend," Fred said. I blushed.

"Can I have the rest of the day off?" I asked them.

"Yes, you can," George said. "but it will come out of your paycheck."

"I don't get paid, I work for free," I reminded them.

"Okay, but let us talk to Malfoy first," Fred said.

"He has already gotten the talk by Harry," I told them while I went upstairs.

"He needs to be reminded, doesn't he Georgie," Fred said.

"Yes, anyways Harry has never had it said to him, so he doesn't know what he is talking about," George said.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I went to go get my backpack, which was full of joked and gags and spell books. I went back down and I heard Fred say something.

"Now, have her home by nine and leave as soon as you get there," I heard him say.

"And can't touch her chest or below the waste," I heard George say.

"Or better yet don't touch her," I heard Fred say. I walked out. I saw Draco's face was red.

"Okay, see you," I said trying to rush out of there.

"See you at nine," they yelled.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now