Chapter 44

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I woke up with a huge headache. I groaned. I looked up and saw that I was on the couch, and that Harry was asleep beside me. Harry looked up.

"Morning," he said.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"What do you remember?" he asked me.

"I remember taking the locket from Hermione," I told him, trying to remember. "Then I woke up with a bloody headache. Did we party a little it to hard last night?"

"No," he explained to me what happened last night.

"I don't think I want to wear that bloody locket again," I said, laying back my head.

"Sounds good," he said.

"When are we going to travel?" I asked.

"Whenever you feel better, why?" he replied. I sat up quickly.

"No! We have to leave now!" I got up and ran toward the girl's room, my head pounding. I saw Hermione sleeping. I shook her awake.

"What?" she asked groggily. She looked at me. "Why are you awake?"

"We have to leave, now," I told her.

"What?" Hermione asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We have to leave now," I repeated. "I will tell you why when we leave, so come on and get up." I left, gathering things and stuffing them into out beaded bags. Eventually, everything was packed, and we apparated out.

We landed on a cliff made of rocks. Hermione looked at me.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"Protection spells, first," I told her. She rolled her eyes, and she put them up. Harry and I got out the tent. Eventually we got everything set up. We sat the table.

"Now, what was that about?" Hermione asked.

"You know what happened last night, right," I told them.

"Yes," Harry and Hermione said slowly.

"Well, Voldemort saw through my eyes, so he knows where we were," I told them.

"Wait, does he know we are hunting horcruxes?" Hermione asked Harry and I.

"No," we both said.

"And how do you know that?" she asked skeptically.

"One, he was more confused than us," Harry started.

"And two, we would know, somehow, probably get a vision, or a feeling," I finished.

"Okay, good thinking, Hallie, or we would've probably of had been dead or captured by know," Hermione said, relieved.

After a while we all went outside, to enjoy the December sun. I got out my mums necklace. Harry and Hermione got out their items. I studied it and I pictured my mum wearing it for her wedding. I smiled and ran my fingers over the gems. I put the necklace on. The gems started glowing faintly. I took the necklace off. I looked at the gems. Sketched in the gems were these words:

We Open At The Close

We open at the close? I thought. What does that mean? I got up and went over to Hermione. I saw Harry got up as well. We both sat down by her.

"Hey, Hermione," I said. "I found the most curious thing."

"So did I," Harry said. "I was looking at my snitch, and I remembered that I didn't catch it with my hand, I almost swallowed it." He showed us the snitch. It said the same thing.

"Harry!" I exclaimed. "Look! I put on mum's necklace, and look what is imprinted in the gems!" I handed Hermione the necklace. Harry and Hermione studied it.

"I wonder if that means if they are connected," I said.

"Look, I found something, too," Hermione said. She opened her book and she pointed to a sketch. It looked like a triangle with a circle inside with a straight line inside it.

"I have looked it up in all of the books we brought, but it didn't show up," she told us.

"They could all be connected," Harry said.

"How?" I asked.

"We will have to find out, do some research in other places," Hermione said, closing the book. Harry and I looked at each other. "What?"

"Hermione, Hallie and I have been talking," Harry said.

"What?" she asked nervously.

"We want to go to Godric's Hallow!" I blurted out.

"What!?" she exclaimed.

"Hermione, we were born there," Harry said.

"And Voldemort almost died there," I added.

"Which makes the perfect reason why we can't go," Hermione said

"There could be a horcrux hidden there Hermione," Harry said.

"Your right," Hermione said.

"We are?" Me and Harry said, confused.

"There is something else hidden there," She said. "Hallie, you should know."

"Godric's Hallow," I murmured. "Godric Griffendor!"

"The sword, we leave tomorrow afternoon," she walked off. Me and Harry did a little happy dance. We were going to Godric's Hallow!

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