Chapter 37

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We talked about what we were going to do as soon as Dung left. We decided that we were going to use the polyjuice potion to transform into ministry workers. Hermione was going to transform into Mafalda Hopkirk, Ron was going to transform into Reg Cattermole, Harry was going to transform into Albert Runcorn, and I was going as Izabella Umbridge, Umbridge's niece. We are going tomorrow.

"This is going to be so much fun," I said sarcastically the next morning to Ron and Harry. "I am starving, and I don't feel like cooking. Kreacher!" Kreacher appeared.

"Master Hallie, so nice to see you," he said.

"Hey, Kreacher, will you make us some Belgian waffles?" I asked him.

"Kreacher would be pleased to," Kreacher said gleefully. He turned around and started walking to the kitchen.

"Kreacher, come here a second," I said. He turned around and walked toward me.

"I have a gift," I said. I pulled out the fake locket. "You have been so kind, and I think you deserve this." I handed him the locket. He took the locket and his eyes started tearing.

"Master Hallie has given Kreacher a Black family heirloom. Kreacher is honored, now to those Belgian waffles," he said. He walked toward the kitchen, happily. Hermione walked in with the Daily Prophet in her hand. She looked mad.

"Prophet is here, and you are going to like it," she said. She handed me the paper. On the front there was a picture of Harry and I.

Wanted Number 1.

Hallie and Harry Potter, twins of deceased Lily and James Potter, are wanted. They are on the run. If spotted contact the ministry as soon as possible.

"That is a good picture of me, I mean I looked sassy and fearless all at the same time," I said, looking at the picture.

"Yeah," Harry agreed. Kreacher walked in.

"Four servings of Belgian waffles are on the table," he said. We all walked to the table and ate our waffles.

"These are good waffles," Ron said, stuffing his face.

"Uh huh," I said. We finished our plates and walked out if the kitchen. Kreacher walked up to us. He had our beaded bags in his hands.

"Kreacher got your bags," he said. "Kreacher will miss all of you. Any of you call Kreacher if you need him, and he will have Master Weasley's favorite meal ready, as well as Master Granger's favorite dessert."

"Thanks, Kreacher," Hermione said. "For all of your help."

"Master Granger," Kreacher said, as he bowed.

"Know, two Ron and Hermione will get under the cloke, and apparate to the room, where all of the workers will be passing, then Ron will come back with the cloke and get me, then apparate to the room, then I will go and get Hallie," Harry said, handing Ron the cloke. "Understood?" We all nodded. Hermione and Ron got under the cloke and apparated. When Ron appeared, he and Harry got under it. Then, at last Harry appeared.

"Good luck, Master Hallie, " Kreacher said.

"Thanks, Kreacher," I said. I got under the cloke, and we apparated.

We were in a brick room. There was a door. Hermione and Ron went outside to stun the workers. Harry and I sat there in silence. Eventually, they came in, and they were both holding a woman. They sat them down, against the wall. Harry and Ron went back out to get the men. Hermione got the women's hair, as I poured the potion into glasses. Harry and Ron came in, carrying the men. They sat them also against the wall. Harry got the hairs, and put them into the cups. We reached grabbed a cup, each with a certain hair in it.

"This is completely mental," Harry said.

"Completely," Hermione agreed.

"The world is mental," Ron and I said. We looked at each other and laughed. We each to a sip and transformed. It was painful. It took about 5 seconds. I looked at Izabella. She was short, and had a huge rack and gigantic hips. Her face was sharp, and she had brown eyes and hair, which was down past half of her back, like me. I looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They each looked like how they were supposed to look like. I put on Izabella's light pink dress, which was very tight, her 5 inch heels, and I put on all of her make up, which I found in her bag.

"I look like a freaking Barbie doll," I grumbled. Ron started laughing at me. I elbowed him in the chest, which made him stop

"It will help us get close to Umbridge," Hermione reminded me.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"Remember what we agreed on," Hermione said. "Don't talk to anyone, unless completely necessary, do what everyone else is doing and then..."

"It gets really tricky," Harry finished.

"Right," Ron said, fooling with his tie.

"Well come on, then," She said nervously. We all walked out. We walked to the bathrooms, where we were supposed to go.

"See ya," I said.

"Bye," Harry said. We walked down to the bathrooms. We each walked into a stall and I stood on the toilet. I looked over to Hermione's stall.

"What in the world do we do," I asked.

"Step in the toilet and flush yourself in," Hermione explained.

I looked at the toilet. "That's bloody disgusting."

"Well, suck it up," she said. "and get out of my stall!"

I got down and stepped into the toilet. I flushed myself down.

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