Chapter 9

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The next four weeks went past. Draco and I have been meeting every other day, just like we promised. Quidditch season was coming up so there was quidditch tryouts. Ron and Harry kept on talking about them. Ron reckons that he can't get onto the team, even though Harry, Hermione, and I disagreed.

Hermione and I were sitting on the stands to the quidditch field. Cormack Mclaggin was trying out to be keeper. He was really good, he already saved both of the balls that Ginny through at him. I was sharing a dark look with Hermione when Mclaggen caught the third ball, when I heard a faint whistle. I looked every where and couldn't find the source of the whistle until I looked down. The source was Draco Malfoy. He motioned me to come down there.

"Hey, Hermione, I have to use the bathroom," I told Hermione, so I could go and see him.

"Alright, see you in a bit," she replied, keeping her eyes on Mclaggin.

"See you," I say. I went down to see Draco. He smiled.

"It is a beautiful day. Do you want go for a short walk?" he asked, gesturing to the forbidden forest.

"Well, tryouts are happening," I said smiling coyly.

"I should've known you cared so much about the sport," he smiled.

"I would if I understood it," I commented, while walking down a path. "It's one of the many things I haven't figured out about the world."

"It's fun, especially when you're flying around in the air," Draco replied, following me.

"Do you play?" I asked, cocking up my eyebrows. He has never mentioned this before.

"Yes, I did," he told me. I turned around to face him.

"Why don't you play it anymore?"

"That's beyond the reason I asked you to come with me," he smiled faintly.


"Well I was thinking, do you want to hang out at my parent's house soon?" he said.

"And how will we do that? Will I just tell Harry I'm going over to Draco Malfoy's, why? So I can yell at him! Mwahahaha!?" I ask. "

"Don't you have a friends house you can go to? How about that Luna girl?" he asked

"She lives next door to the Weasleys, and anyways Harry will want to go where ever I go because of Voldemort and his death eaters running loose." I reply. I saw Draco freeze at the word death eaters.

"You are right. Especially my Aunt Bellatrix. What was I thinking? I'm sorry," he said, kissing my head.

"It isn't that I am afraid or anything it is just Harry and all that and safety. Not that you are not safe or anything, it is just, Harry and I can't be separated. I'm sorry!" I apologize. I look back and I can't see anyone flying. Tryouts must be over.

"I have to go, tryouts are over," I tell Draco.

"Alright bye," he said, then he kissed me. I walked to the stadium and looked behind me. Draco wasn't there.

"What happened?" I asked Hermione as I reached the stands.

"Ron got keeper!" Hermione said.

"Awesome!" I said. And when I looked over I saw Draco looking at me with sorrow in his eyes.

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