Chapter 57

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The next day Harry and I was sitting at the beach in front of the shell cottage. I explained my conversation with Griphook just a few minutes ago. He hasn't spoken a word.

"You know, he's right," I commented. "I am probably going to hurt one of you."
He looked at me like I was then stupidest person in the world.

"You will not hurt one of us," he told me. I raised my eyebrows. "All you need is a little practice."

"Yeah, that is so happening. How about I send an owl to Voldemort, saying 'hey you need to possess me for a few minutes, to see if I can throw it off," he rolled his eyes.

"Honestly, I think, no, I know, that you can throw it off. You have done it before," he leaned back. I leaned back as well.

"Once. While Hermione was getting attacked by a big ass snake."


"I couldn't throw it off while I was attacking Draco." I looked down, ashamed.

"You were at a moment of weakness."

"Let's just hope that not going to again." I closed my eyes, feeling the sun against my face. "I'm going to miss this place. So peaceful. I bet we could just stay here. Nobody would miss us."

"Your hilarious."

"I know. Ready for tomorrow?" Tomorrow We were going to infiltrate Gringots. In disguise. Hermione was going to go as Bellatrix, Harry was going to go as Draco. Really awkward. Unfortunately it was the only other hair we had. Ron.. Well I don't really know who Ron is going to go as. According to him, it's going to be a surprise. I am going to be under the invisibility cloak, carrying Griphook.

"Am I ready to go as my sister's boyfriend? Of course!"

"Stop!" I groaned, sh He laughed at me. I heard someone calling. "Come on, let's go inside."

The next day, I was standing at the top of a hill. I was wearing a fresh new pair of pants, and my dragon leather boots. I was wearing my favorite rustic orange WWW shirt, and my black leather jacket, with my long black hair in pony tail. Instead of my beaded bag, which got ripped in the fight at the Malfoy's, I put all of my stuff in a leather backpack.

"You should put on something less biker-ish!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see Ron standing behind me. I laughed. He looked ridiculous! He had a fake beard on, and he put a spell on his face so he looked older.

"At least I don't look like an old man!" I laughed. He came over to me playfully shoved me.

"Take that back!" He laughed.

"NEVER!" I started laughing so hard, I started to snort. He laughed along with me.

"You better not be laughing at me," I heard Hermione say. I turned around to see her in black robes, looking just like the Bellatrix. "How do I look?"

"Absolutely hideous," I commented.

"Thanks," she said sarcastically.

"She's full of compliments," Ron told her. I rolled my eyes.

"Here comes Harry," I said, pointing at the direction that Harry was emerging. He walked up to us.

"You look like an annoying prat," Ron told him. I 'lightly' punched him in the stomach.

"That 'annoying prat' helped you complete idiots figure out what was in the chamber of secrets," I pointed out.

"How?!" Harry exclaimed. "It was all Hermione!"

"Would Hermione rip a page out of a library book?" I asked. "And didn't you see him rip a page out of a book at the bookstore?"

"Well, umm," Ron murmured. At that moment Griphook walked up, carrying the sword of Griffendoor.

"Alright now, Griphook, you can give Hallie the sword," Harry told griphook. Griphook handed me the sword, and I put it in my bag.

"Everyone ready?" I asked. I got nods from everyone.

"Look, we are all relying on you, Griphook, if you get us through Gringotts and in the vault, you get the sword," Harry bargained with Griphook. He nodded. We put all of our hands in the middle, and apparated.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now