Chapter 18

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"It's so easy for them to get to you two," Hermione said. "you guys are bloody lucky you weren't killed. You both have to realize who you are."

"We know who we are Hermione," I said. We passed Ron and Lavender. Lavender was putting a necklace on Ron.

"Of course I will wear it Lav," Ron said, sounding bored.

"That's my Ron Ron!" Lavender said in a baby voice.

"Excuse me, while I go vomit," Hermione said, walking off.

That evening Dumbledore called us to his office. He put a memory in the pensieve and we put our heads in it.

We were in a classroom. There was Tom Riddle who looked to be about my age, other students, and a way younger Slughorn.

"Sir, is it true that Professor Marythought is retiring?" Tom Riddle said.

"Tom, I couldn't tell you if I knew, now could I?" Slughorn asked. "By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You are right it is my favorite. But how did you know?"

"Intuition," replied Tom Riddle. Something dinged.

"Good gracious is it that time already? Off you go boys, or professor Tibit will have us all in detention," Slughorn said. Tom Riddle walked up to him. "you look sharp Tom, but you don't want to be caught out of bed after hours. Something on your mind Tom?"

"Yes sir, you see I couldn't think of anyone else to go to, the other professors they aren't like you. They might misunderstand," said Tom Riddle.

"Yes Tom," Slughorn said.

"I was in the library the other night, in the restricted section, and I read something quite odd about a rare piece of magic," Tom Riddle said.

"Yes?" Slughorn asked.

"It is called a " Tom Riddle. I didn't hear the last part, because it was all blurred.

"I don't know anything about such thing, and if I did I wouldn't tell you. Now get out of here at once, and don't say anything about it ever again!" Slughorn yelled. The memory ended. We pulled up our heads.

"Confused?" asked Dumbledore." I would be surprised if you weren't."

"I don't understand," Harry said. "What happened?"

"This is perhaps the most important memory I collected," Dumbledor said. "It is also a lie. This memory has been tampered with, by our old friend professor Slughorn."

"Why would he tamper with his own memory?" I asked.

"I suspect he is ashamed of it," Dumbledore said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Why indeed," Dumbledore said. "I asked you two to get to know professor Slughorn. Now I want you to persuade him to give up his true memory, anyway you can."

"We don't know him that well, sir," I said.

"This memory is everything, without it we are blind," Dumbledore said. "Without it we leave our fate of our world to chance. You two have no choice. You both mustn't fail."

"Alright we will do it," We both said.

When Harry and I had our free period we went to see Slughorn. We walked in.

"Aha isn't the prince and princess of potions themselves," Slughorn greeted is. "so what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Well sir we wanted to ask you something," Harry said.

"Ask away, dear twins," Slughorn said.

"You see the other day we were in the restricted section in the library," I said. "And we came across something rather odd about a rare piece of magic."

"What was it called?" Slughorn asked.

"We don't remember. I was just wondering if there was something you aren't allowed to teach us?" Harry said.

"Your potions master, Hallie and Harry? I think you better ask your questions to professor Snape," Slughorn said.

"We don't really see eye to eye, sir. I mean they aren't like you, they wouldn't understand," I said.

"There is no light without a dark, same thing with magic. If I was you two, I would strive to live in the light," Slughorn said.

"Is that what you told Tom Riddle, sir, when he came asking questions?" Harry asked.

"Dumbledore put you two up to this didn't he!" Slughorn accused. We didn't answer. "Didn't he?"

We left to go to our dormitory.

"He is going to come around," Harry said. "I will ask again. I will be back."

"Okay," I said. I took out my book and opened it.



When can we meet?

In two days.

I am sorry for bugging you. I just miss you.

I miss you, but, you know.

I do.

How was your holidays?




What Hallie?

The burrow was attacked. Bellatrix was taunting Harry and I. Harry got mad and ran though the gap in the ring of fire. I followed. Bellatrix cornered me and used a spell on me, but Harry and them rescued me.

What spell?


You are a terrible liar, even on parchment.

Shut up.

What spell?

A simple curse.

What curse?

The crutiatus curse. No biggie.

Yes biggie. Why did you have to do that if I was there I would've protected you.

I don't need protection. I am a big girl. And I am used to that curse.


Got to go bye!


Harry walked in.

"You are always writing in that book," Harry said.

"How was with Slughorn?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Terrible, I'm going to bed," Harry said.

"Night," I said.

"Night," he said. He went upstairs. I went to my bed. I laid there thing about Draco until I fell asleep.

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