Chapter 5

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Once I got back from the trolley they were still arguing about Malfoy.

"His father is a death eater, it only makes sense." Harry exclaimed.

"He isn't a death eater, Harry! Drop it," said Hermione, seeming tired.

"I need some fresh air," said Harry as he pushed past me. I tossed Ron his licorice wand and gave Hermione Harry's chocolate frog.

Once we got to Hogwarts I stared out the window. It was beautiful! It looked like the castle I dreamed I was in when I was a little girl! We got off the train and a large man, I assumed it was Hagrid, pulled us over.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" He exclaimed. "Me goodness! You look so much like your brother! Obviously, of course," he grinned at me. "By the way, Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you in his office before the sorting, to actually sort you." 

"Thanks, Hagrid!" I said brightly. I was so excited! I turned around. "Where's Harry?" I asked Hermione and Ron.

"He is probably off the train already," Ron replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not believing it.

"Positive," Ron told me, patting me on the head. I rolled my eyes. I hopped onto the carriage, but Hermione and Ron just stood there, staring at the empty space in front of it.

"Blimey, I never thought I'd see one," Ron said quietly.

"I knew I was going to see one, but I wasn't prepared," Hermione breathed.

"Are you okay?" I asked them, confused.

"Yeah, yeah we are," Hermione replied, pulling Ron onto the carriages.

When we got off of the carriages, Hermione pulled me to Dumbledore's office.

When we entered, Dumbledore was sitting in a chair behind a desk. He lifted an old and battered hat.

"This is the sorting hat. It will put you in a Hogwarts house," Dumbledore told me. "Don't worry." He added, probably looking at my nervous face. I glanced at Hermione. She gave me an encouraging nod. Dumbledore put the hat on me and surprisingly it spoke.

"Hmmmm what should you be. you have all if the qualities for each house. Interesting. Super smart, very loyal, very brave, and very cunning," it said. "Great qualities, all of them, but which will you be more successful?" (A/N maybe she's divergent!)

Gryffindor, please be Gryffindor.

"Why not Slytherin?" It asked. "It's a great house, and there's probably someone in that house pulling for you to be in it. Nope, I suppose GRYFFINDOR!!" It shouted. Dumbledore took the hat off me and told me to go to the great hall.

We walked into the great house, and it was marvelous! It had four great long tables, and one more in the front, where I assumed the staff sat. I looked around and saw and pale blonde head that was at the table where everyone was wearing emerald green. I remembered what the sorting hat had said, and wondered who it was. Could it be? No, he probably did not even want to see me.

But why did want to meet me.

Because you're Harry's sister, and he doesn't like Harry!

Shut up mind.

We sat down and Ron was stuffing his face, as usual.  I joined in.

"Where is Harry?" I asked, worrying. I glanced at the entrance.

"Don't worry he will be here in a minute," said Ron.

Hermione held him up with her book and said "WILL *hit* YOU *hit* STOP *hit* EATING *hit*!"

"Turn around you lunatic," Ron exclaimed. Harry was walking toward us with blood on his face.

"He is covered in blood again. Why is it he is always covered in blood?" Ginny asked.

"Looks like it his own blood this time," said Ron.

"Where have you been!" I asked Harry. "What happened to your face?"

"Later," said Harry. He looked at me, "I missed your naming ceremony! I'm sorry! But it looks like your in Gryffindor, congrats."

"Thank you, but it was only Hermione, Dumbledore and me, though," I reassured him. He nodded, and pointed to Dumbledore, who was about to speak..

Dumbledore gave his speech at the podium. He talked about Voldemort, and apparently Snape is the new D.A.D.A teacher. He let us go.

"Harry," I looked at Harry. "can you show me where the room of requirement is?"

"Sure, why not," said Harry

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now