Chapter 7

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We went to Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I sat next to Harry.

"What did Malfoy want with you?" Harry whispered.

"Just wanted to put his crap up, why?" I asked.

"I thought I saw you both talking, and I was wondering why," he said, staring at me with his green eyes.

"He just said some stupid remark on how you were an ugly git, and I agreed," I whispered. He rolled his eyes, and let it drop.

After all of my classes, which were the same as Harry, Dumbledore called us to his office, apparently liking 'acid drops', and we knocked on his door.

"Come in," Dumbledore called to us. We both walked in. "I see you have gotten my message. How are you two?"

"Fine, sir," we both said.

"Enjoying your classes?" Dumbledore asked. We both nodded. "I know professor Slughorn is most impressed with you."

"I think Professor Slughorn overestimate my abilities," Harry said. I nodded, agreeing.

"Do you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow

"Definitely," We both said. He chuckled.

"What about your activities outside the classroom?" he asked.

"Sir?" Harry asked confused.

"I've noticed, Harry, you have spent a great amount with Miss Granger I've been wondering if...." Dumbledore trailed on. I started to giggle.

"No! I mean she is brilliant and we are friends, but no," Harry said embarrassed. I started to double over in laughter.

"And you Miss Potter?" Dumbledore asked. I blushed, and saw out of the corner of my eye Harry watching me like a hawk.

"No sir." I said. Harry blew out in relief. I glared at him and he shrugged. Overprotective twin alert!

"Enough chit chat. You two must be wondering why I summoned you. The answer lies in here." he said pointing at a large golden container. "What you are looking at are memories. In this case containing one individual Tom Riddle. This vile contains the most particular memory the day I first met him," he was holding a tiny container/ vial thing. "I'd like you two see it, if you would?" We both nodded. Harry took the vial and poured it into a bowl known as a pensive. we both stuck our heads into it.

We were at an orphanage. A young looking Dumbledore walked in.

"How do you do Tom?" Dumbledore asked a boy that must of been Tom Riddle.

"Don't. You are the doctor aren't you?" Young Tom Riddle asked.

"No, I am a professor." Dumbledore replied.

"I don't believe you, they want me locked up. They think I'm different."

"Well perhaps they are right."

"I am not mad."

"Hogwarts isn't a place for mad people, it is a school. A school of magic. You can do things can't you Tom? Things other children can't do."

"I can make things move with my mind. Without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people that are mean to me. I can make them hurt. If I want. Who are you?"

"I am like you Tom. I am different."

"Prove it." Just the a dresser caught in fire

I think there is something in there for you Tom." Dumbledore said. Tom Riddle opened the dresser door to find a box. He opened the box and placed everything from the box on a desk. The fire stopped.

"Stealing isn't put up with at Hogwarts, Tom," said Dumbledore. " At Hogwarts you will not only be taught to use magic, but how to control it. Dp you understand?" Tom Riddle nodded.

"I can speak to snakes to. They find me. Is that normal for somebody like me?" I didn't here the answer.

We brought up our heads.

"Sir, did you know? Then?" Harry asked.

"Did I know that I was standing in front if the most powerful dark wizard? No. If I had I.... Overtime here at Hogwarts Tom grew close to one particular teacher. Can you two guess who that teacher is?" Dumbledore asked

"You didn't bring Slughorn back to teach potions did you sir?" I asked.

"No I did not. You see professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly, and he won't give it up easily." Dumbledore replied.

"You said professor Slughorn would try to collect us. Do you want us to let him?" Harry asked.


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