Chapter 41

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We left in the morning. We decided to travel around Voldemort's birthplace. We thought maybe there would be another horcrux there. We had no idea what we were doing. Harry's temper started to cool down, once he got used to the horcruxe. Ron was getting better, but I was the only one who gave him company. Hermione and I studied the things Dumbledore have us, looking for any clues of the wher about of horcruxes. We looked in some books about the jewels in my mother's necklace to see what they mean. We studied her book from front to back. And we found nothing.

About two weeks from when we escaped the ministry, we were cutting Harry's hair. Exiting. I was in the back, cutting the back, and Hermione was in the front, judging it.

"We are out of food," I told Hermione.

"Great," she said. "Oh my gosh!"

"What did you do Hallie?" Harry said, grabbing the back of his head.

"Nothing," I told him. I turned to Hermione. "What?"

""I will tell you in a minute," Hermione told us.

"How about you explain you sudden outbursts now," I told her.

"The sword of Griffindor, it's goblin made," she said.

"Excellent," Harry said.

"Wait a minute, exactly!" I said.

"What?" Harry said, looking at us like we have lost our minds.

"Dirt and rust have no effect to the blade," Hermione explained. "It only takes in what makes it stronger." He looked at us, confused.

"We have already destroyed one horcrux, haven't we," I told him. "Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets when you saved Ginny's butt in your second year."

"Yeah, with a Basalisk fang!" He exclaimed. "And if you have one of those in those bloody beaded bag of yours..." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Harry," I told him. "Last night Hermione and I snuck into Hogwarts and got a few of those." This time he rolled his eyes.

"You stabbed the Basalisk with the sword, Harry," Hermione explained. "The sword is impregnated with Basalisk venom."

"It takes in what only makes it stronger!" He said excitedly.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have a miracle right here!" I said jokingly. Harry elbowed me lightly, laughing.

"And this is why it can destroy horcruxes!" Hermione said. "And also why he left it for both you in his will."

"You are truly amazing, Hermione," Harry told Hermione. I sat at the table and lifted my feet on the table. I put my hands behind my head.

"Actually, I am logical enough to look past extraneous detail and perceive what others over look," she corrected him.

"Aka brilliant," I told her. She rolled her eyes, and sat down next to me. She took one of my feet in her hand.

"I love these combat boots," she told me.

"Thanks, dragon leather," I told her. All of the sudden the lights turned off. I fell out of my chair.

"Oh sh-" I said. We looked over to where the lights went to. Ron was standing there.

"However, the sword was stolen," he said. "Yeah, I am still here. Forget me, didn't you? But you two carry on, don't let me spoil the fun." I stood up.

"I am right here," I told him. He ignored me. All he did was glare at Harry and Hermione. Harry stood up.

"What has your wand in the knot?" He asked.

"No, nothing at all. Not to you anyway."

"If you got something to tell us, spill it out."

"Alright, I will spill it out. Don't you dare expect me to be grateful just because there is another damned thing we have to go look for," Ron hissed.

"Well we presumed you knew what you were in for, coming with us," Harry said, trying to keep his temper in check, but I know that won't be lasting long.

"I thought I did, but not anymore."

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What part of all of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think that we were going to stay in a five-star hotel, finding a horcrux every other day? Did you think that you would be able to be with your mum by Christmas?" Boom! Harry lost his temper.

"I just assumed that after all this time we would've actually achieved something! I thought you two knew what you were doing! That Dumbledore must of told you something!" He said. Okay that makes me snap. I have a bad temper, not as bad as Harry's, but bad. I stood up.

"Oh, I see, know you want to notice I live on this earth!" I hissed. "When you blame me! We told you everything he told us! And if you haven't noticed, we actually have found a horcrux."

"Yeah, and we are about close to destroying it as we are to getting the rest of them!" Hermione stood up, and started begging him, telling him to take off the locket, and he wouldn't be acting like that if he didn't have the locket on. He pushed her away. "Do you know why I listen to the radio every night? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name comes up. Or Fred, or George, or Mum, or dad."

"Do you think we are not listening to!? Do you think we don't know how it feels?!" Harry yelled.

"NO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS! Your parents are dead, you and Hallie have no family!" I started walking towards him, but Hermione grabbed me. I saw red in my vision.

"I swear that if Hermione wasn't holding on to me I would kick you where a man should not be kicked, Ronald Weasley!" I yelled. Harry lunged toward Ron and Hermione let go of me and grabbed Harry.

"Stop it please," she cried.

"Fine then, go! Go then," Harry yelled. Ron ripped the locket from his neck, and threw it to me. I caught it, still seething with rage. He grabbed his stuff, and started leaving. He turned to Hermione.

"You? Are you coming or staying?" He asked her. She looked between Ron and us. She didn't say a word, and tears started streaming down her face. Ron gave her a dirty glare.

"Fine, then. I've seen you two," he barged out of the tent. Hermione ran after him, pleading for him to come back. I leaned into Harry, with tears on my face. He put his arm around me. Hermione came in with tears on her face.

"He is gone," she told us. I pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder. I patted her back.

"Hermione, he will come back," I told her. "He is head over heals for you." she laughed.

"When he comes back, kick him in the balls, please," she said.

"Of course," I held on to her. "You are my best friend."

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