Chapter 19

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"Wake up Hallie! Ron has poisoned!" I woke up to Hermione's startled voice. I flew opened my eyes and got dressed. Hermione and I went to the hospital wing quickly.

Dumbledore, Snape, Mcgonagol , and Slughorn were there with Harry and Ginny. Hermione ran and held Ron's hand.

"Quick thinking on your part Harry, using Bazorre. You must be very proud of your student Horris," Dumbledore said. Slughorn nodded.

"I think we all agree that Potter's actions were heroic," said Mcgonagol. "But why were they necessary?"

"Indeed," Dumbledore said. He looked at Slughorn, who was holding a bottle that was wrapped with a bow on it. "This appears to be a gift, Horris. Do you remember who you got it from? It also smells like licorice and cherry, but not polluted with poison"

"I actually intended to give a gift myself," Slughorn said while Snape smelled the bottle.

"To whom I might ask," Dumbledore told him.

"To you, headmaster," Slughorn said, looking guilty.

"Where is he! Where is my Ron Ron!?" Lavender burst in. "Has he been asking for me?" She looked over at Hermione. "what is she doing here?!

"I might ask you the same question!" Hermione said, glaring at Lavender.

"I happen to be his girlfriend!" Lavender said.

"I happen to be his..... Friend," Hermione said.

"Don't make me laugh! You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose that I will have to break up with him now, now that he is suddenly all uninteresting!" Lavender said.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!" Hermione said. "and for the record I think he has always been interesting!" Ron started mumbling.

"He senses my presence," Lavender said. "don't worry Ron Ron. I'm here."

"Her......mion......e.....Hermione," Ron mumbled. Lavender ran away crying. Hermione gave a satisfied smirk.

"Oh to be young and feel loves keen sting," Dumbledore said. "come on everyone. I think Mr. Weasley is well cared for."

"About time isn't it?" I asked Harry. He nodded. We stared at Hermione.

"Shut up," she told us. We left her to be alone with Ron.

While Harry and I were walking to our dorms we saw Draco.

"Let's follow him," Harry said. I nodded, because if I protested I knew he would know something is up. We followed him throughout the castle. It looked like he was going to the room of requirement. When we got there he wasn't there.

The next morning we were sitting down at breakfast. Snow was falling down on us.

"Stop it Ron, you are making it snow," Hermione said, smiling.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender," Ron told Hermione.

"Um.. well she came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked. I don't particularly long conversation," Hermione said.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be single, but she seems a bit mad," Ron said. She was looking angry. She doesn't to be near us with sharp things.

"Yes, um she does doesn't she," Hermione said in a satisfied voice. "You say, you don't remember anything, from that night, anything at all?"

"There is something, but it can't be. I was completely boggled wasn't I?" Ron asked.

"Right, boggled," Hermione said. Some girls walked by us.

"That's Katie," Hermione told Harry. "Katie Bell." Harry got up picked up his book and went to her. We watched him carefully. When he was talking to her Draco walked in. Draco stopped when he saw Katie. Harry turned around. They stared at each other for a moment, then Draco left. Harry followed him.

"This can't be good," I murmured. "I will be back," I told Ron and Hermione.

I tried to follow them. I got around to the boys bathrooms, when I heard something hard hit the ground, and water spraying. I ran in there and Draco on the ground and blood all over him. Harry was standing near him.

"What did you do?!" I yelled at Harry. I ran over to Draco, not caring if Harry saw me. Draco was loosing so much blood.

"Draco, please stay," I said as I cried over him. I put his head in my lap stroking his face. Snape came in and saw Draco. He kneeled down, using some healing spell.

"Hallie let's go," Harry said.

"No," I told him.

"I would go Miss Potter. Draco will be in the hospital wing, when you want to visit him," Snape said. I followed Harry out.

"So this is what you have been doing!" Harry accused.

"Yes it is," I told him.

"He is a terrible person! How can you be so stupid!" Harry yelled at me.

"He is a great person!" I yelled back.

"He is using you! He probably doesn't even like you!" Harry said.

"He cares about me. Who do you think taught me how to fly? Who do you think gave me this locket? Who do you think gave me my broom? Who do you think pulled Cormack off of me when he tried to kiss me? He helped you find me in the forbidden forest! It wasn't because of the reason he told you!" I yelled at him.

"It was him who drove you there in the first place!" Harry retorted. "Wait Cormack tried to kiss you?"

"Yes Cormack did try to kiss me. But it was also Cormack who used the polyjuice potion to turn into Draco and breakup us!" I snapped.

"I forbid you to see him," said Harry.

"You can't do that!" I retorted.

"Yes I can," he said.

"Just because you aren't friends, that doesn't mean I can't see him!" I told him.

"He is a Death Eater! He works for Voldemort," Harry said.

"Remember the night of the Christmas party? He said he would protect me," I told Harry softly. Harry looked at me in a pained way, then turned around and walked off.

The Twin: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now