Ch. 12 A New arrival?

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Ash: "Woah! Pokedex what is it?" though I feel like I've seen this species before....

Pokedex: "Houndoor; the dark pokemon; It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey"

Houndour: "Hound?"

Ash: "Ahh your so cute! Oh wait hold up, ( grabs a pokeball and taps houndours head ) there we go alright now come on out houndour!"

Houndour: "Dour?"

Ash: "Oh man is this so cool! Now we have a fire type on the team"

Venipede: "Veni!"

Ash: "Oh yeah i almost forgot, now that the egg has hatched i think we should probably take a day off, except you venipede cause we've still got super special training to do!"

Venipede: "Veni!"

Ash: "Pikachu, your in charge while im gone, dont do anything i wouldnt do!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

3rd pov: "After ash and venipede left for their "special training" pikachu sighed in relief, finally it could meet it's new friend"

Pokemon speech activated

Houndour: "So your my dada?"

Rufflet: "Yup"

Houndour: "Wheres my moma?"

Pikachu: "Your mum is dea-"

Rufflet: "Shuttup pikachu! Houndour you uhh..... dont have a moma"

Houndour: "What!? Oh well..... hey what thats yellow thing next to you?"

Pikachu: *My name is pikachu and don't you worry, once your old enough to start battling we'll get very acquainted with each other*

Houndour: "Uhh i dont understand?"

Rufflet: "Uhh stop using big words pikachu, he's just a baby!"

Pikachu: "Yeah yeah whatever rufflet, so houndour are you hungry?"

Houndour: "I could use a drink*

Rufflet: "On It! ( Rufflet procedes to steal ash's water bottle and lets houndour drink from it )"

Pikachu: "What the-"

Rufflet: "Shhh he said he was thirsty"

Pikachu: "Fine, but I'm totally throwing you under the bus if ash asks"

Rufflet: "I though ash couldn't understand our language"

Pikachu: "Oh yeah i forgot about that...."

Houndour: "Ahh i feel all better so pikachu what's battling?"

Pikachu: "Hey rufflet, why not give the kid a little "demonstration"?"

Rufflet: "But who'll be watching him! "

Pikachu: "Ehh it's fine besides he wants to know what battling is. Though if you want to deny houndour of what he wants thats fine by me......"

Rufflet: "What!! No no no I'll do it. Alright houndour watch closely, cause your about to see a real battle!"

Houndour: "Really!"

Pikachu: "Sure kid, we gonna keep talkin or are we gonna fight?"

Rufflet: "Oh you asked for it....."

3rd pov: Rufflet starts off with tailwind which doesn't even faze the overleveled pikachu, pikachiu decides to use double team and confuse rufflet, rufflet uses the strategy pikachu taught; that being use gust which knocked all the fake pikachu's, Pikachu went in for quick attack before houndour could even blink, just like that rufflet was knocked out (wow is writing pokemon fighting without trainers to give them orders literally the worst)

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