Ch. 5 A Day to Relax

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3rd pov: Our heros having finally woken up, and after a quick breakfast, were back on the road, making there way through Wellspring cave......

Ash: "So from what I've heard the next gym leader uses normal type pokemon..... most likely we're going to have to be ready for anything since the normal type is so versatile...... it'd probably be best if Rufflet started and then, in case Rufflet faints, I'll send you out Pikachu. Am I.... making sense right now?"

Rufflet: "Flet!"

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "Team Rocket? No i dont know where they are i mean like usually they would've bothered us by now but.......  ever since we blasted them away last time nothing.... weird"

Rufflet: "Ruff?"

Ash; "Guess your still new to the team Rufflet, basically there was this team of 3 idiots, funny but idiots. Anyways they would chase me and Pikachu through whatever region we went to, always interupting a gym battle or just being a nuisance, remember that Meowth you faught? That was one of the members of their trio"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

3rd pov: "The group continued to talk excitedly about well...... everything. From what they'd be eating tommorow to what their next gym battle would be like there was no stopping the 3 of them, that is until Ash heard a voice calling from behind him...

Trip "Ash! (Panting from running) Wait up!"

Ash: "Trip?"

Trip: "I (pant) challenge you (pant) to a battle!"

Ash: a battle? Could be some good training for Rufflet..... "Sure i mean my team could use some training so since i have 2 pokemon in my possession do you want to have a double battle?"

Trip: "What's a double battle?"

Ash: "Wait you dont know! It's........" This idiot. Though I guess double battles when I first started either, took me till the orange islands to figure out what they were..... "nevermind let's just have a one vs one battle"

Trip: "Oh heck yeah me and my starter cant lose now!"

Ash: "We'll shall see very soon" this kid's energy reminds me of Barry... Please no.

Trip: "Go Servine!"

Servine: "Ser!"

Ash: "Woah your snivy evolved! Cool!" One town in and his starter evolved? Impressive...

Trip: "Ha there's no way that pikachu can win now!"

Ash: "Well then it's too bad im not using pikachu, Rufflet take flight!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Trip: "Is that a shiny!? Grr it doesnt matter servine let's start this off with twister!"

Servine: "Ser!"

Ash: "Dodge it Rufflet!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

Trip: "Razor leaf, full force!"

Servine: "Vine!"

Ash: "Rufflet ignore razor leaf and use your peck attack on servine!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

3rd pov: Since grass type attack's aren't very effective to flying types rufflet didn't take massive damage meanwhile servine on the took way too much damage for Trip's liking

Trip: "Dammit! Okay servine new strategy; keep using twisters on that rufflet!"

Ash: One more hit and that servine will faint but i cant get close with those damm twisters....... That's it! "Alright Rufflet fly with the twister and redirect it towards servine!"

Trip: "What!"

Servine: "Ser!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

Ash: "Yes you did it rufflet im so proud of you!" Thank Arceus for my bullshit strategies...

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Pikachu: "Chuu!!"

Trip: "Servine........ return....."

3rd pov: Noticing Trip's glum look ash tries to cheer him up

Ash: "Yo Trip!"

Trip: "Yeah?"

Ash: "That was an amazing battle, keep training hard and soon you'll surpass me!" As if.... Or maybe he will, I.... shouldn't be thinking like this.

Trip: "Yeah....... thanks Ash next time we met I'll win for sure!"

Ash: "Thats the spirit kid! Now for the more pressing matter, do you know where the exit to this cave is?"

Trip: "Seriously? Dood its a 30 minute walk from here"

Ash: "Oh..... well you comin?"

Ttip: "Nah I've gotta train for our next battle!"

Ash: "If you say so......"

20 minutes later

Pikachu: "Pika......"

Ash: "Oh cmon pikachu its not much farther"

Pikachu: "Pika......"

Ash: "No I cannot carry you Rufflet and the egg are heavy enough "

Rufflet: "Fflet?"

Ash: "You heard some- Woah hey stop hurting them!"

3rd pov: Ash and the team had just stumbled upon a rocket grunt trying to cutt off a zubats wings and of course, Ash being Ash, he tried to stop the rocket grunt"

Rocket grunt: "Scram if you know what's good for you kid"

Ash: "No way am i doing that; pikachu use your thunderbol- i mean your thundershock attack!" What am I thinking?

Pikachu: "Pika..... Chuu!!!"

3rd pov: After taking such a brutal thundershock the rocket grunt was knocked out cold, luckily ulike last time this one wasnt borderline dead (no the last grunt did not die, just very close). After saying good bye to zubat and tying up the grunt for the police to find Ash and his pokenon kept walking towards the exit but something kept bothering the young raven haired trainer

Ash: "Man why are there so many team rocket grunts in unova? I thought they were mainly in kanto and jhoto....... and why do none if them have pokemon with them?......."

Rufflet: "Ruff?"

Ash: "What?" Damn I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't even realize we're here!  "Oh we've finally made it out of that damm cave! Phew i think we should head towards the pokemon center and rest there for tonight, tomorrow we'll look around the city for the gym leader, sound good?"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

3rd pov: Our 3 young heros made their way towards the pokemon center with many questions on their minds, for Ash he wondered what team rocket was doing in unova and if his next gym battle would go fine, for rufflet he wondered if he was doing a good job for ash's team and if he was keeping the egg warm enough, and pikachu had the most troubling questions; How on earth have we not met anyone here who wants to travel with us and why is ash starting to act..... more mature?? Will any of these questions be answered? For pikachu's sake i hope that some will be. But for now,

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AN: Nothing to say here so........ Till next time,


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