Ch. 32 Nearly to Petaulburg!

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3rd pov: It had been 5 days since our group reunited and in that time Brock had the uncomfortable challenge of explaining why he no longer was hitting on Nurse Joy's. Anywho after spending one last day in Sootopolis City our 4 hero's took a boat to route 104, since petaulburg didn't have a dock they were going to have to walk for the rest of the way.........

A few hours into walking

May: "Is it lunch time y-

Brock: "May, you've asked that same question five times already"

May: "Yeah well I'm hungry"

Dawn: "What you didn't pack snacks?"

3rd pov: May slowly turned her head towards Munchlax's direction, indicating were her snacks had went

Ash: "Ahh...... well we'll take a break and eat lunch in like .......10 minutes? That sound good Brock?"

Brock: "Yeah I mean we might not  make it to Petaulburg today but I don't care" it's kinda nice traveling around again.....

Ash: "Wonder if Norman wants another battle? Or maybe Max, you did say that he got his first Pokemon right May?"

May: "Yeah he chose treeco like 3 months ago and he was traveling but once he heard you were coming he be-lined it back home to challenge ya"

Ash: "That kid...... even if at times he was annoying he sure does have some spark to him"

Dawn: "Ash your talking like an old man"

Ash: "What! No I'm not I..... It's just been a while since I've seen him!"

3rd pov: May and Dawn couldn't help but giggle at Ash's short outburst much to the discomfort of our Raven haired trainer, even Pikachu and Brock joined in causing Ash to sigh in defeat....

Ash: "Damn you guys really are mean ya know?" At least there happy........ maybe I'll call Gary and have him do some research on those ruins...... see if he can uncover anything about it.....

Dawn: "Woah Language!"

May: "Didn't know you knew how to talk like that"

Ash; "I'm not a kid!'" And what did I even say anyways? How is 'mean' equivalent to profanity?

Brock: "Hmm?"

Ash: "Okay maybe I am still a kid but so is everyone, besides Brock"

Dawn: "How old are you anyways Ash?"

May: "Yeah you never said, how old are you?"

Ash: "Uhh...... I'm like....... 16 maybe? Or maybe I'm 11? I dunno you know I don't keep track of those things!"

Brock: "Okay well how many Christmas's have you had with your pokemon?"

Ash: "Oh that's easy, I've had 6 with them, if your including last Christmas"

Brock: "So your about..... 15 or 16 because in Kanto trainers start their journey's at 10 years old"

May: "10! In Hoenn we don't start till 12!"

Dawn: "12? In Sinnoh we don't start till 13"

Ash: "Uhh all these numbers are making me hungry, Brock can we have lunch?"

Brock: "Yeah, Dawn would you mind helping me cook? I don't trust May or Ash......"

Ash and May: "Hey!"

3rd pov: Dawn snickered before quickly agreeing to help, releasing all her Pokemon she told them to go play until lunch was ready, Ash, May, and Brock followed suit though since Ash and May weren't doing anything Ash opted to watch May work on some of her combinations and give input and advice when he could though in all honesty the princess of hoenn didn't really need it but it was still appreciated. May and Brock's Pokemon meanwhile were getting to meet Ash's Unova Squad .......

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