Ch. 16 An Old Friend

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The Next Morning

Ash: Damn I should probably eat something before seeing Dawn, wouldn't want her to worry...... "Hey guys, ready for breakfast?"

3rd pov: After hearing this Ash's team cried in approval so Ash went to making the food, using Brock's cook book ash made 2 pancakes for himself and oran berry curry for the team. After eating they got back on the road.....

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "No we cannot take a break we just started walking"

Houndour: "Hound!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: I should probably stop them from fighting...... "Pikachu remember houndour's still just a newborn, be nice to him"

Pikachu: "Pika...."

Houndour: "Hound- Hound!"

Ash: "What's wrong houndour?"

3rd pov: Suddenly houndour ran off towards what could only be described as crying, worried Ash and pikachu followed the small pup.... after 14 minutes of constant running, both trainer and Pokemon were starting to slow.....

Ash: pant "how much 'pant' further?"

Pikachu: : "Pika"

3rd pov: Finally Houndour stopped running, he had found what was causing the noise

Houndour: "Hound!"

Ash: "What is i-" that lookes like a poachers trap....  "Don't worry, we'll get you out of there scizor"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

3rd pov: After pikachu used iron tail and freed the wild Scizor it gave it's thanks before dashing off

Ash: Who would do this to pokemon? "Well I guess..... we should just keep going towards Twinleaf town?" Before I leave Sinnoh I should let Dawn know about these damm poachers....

Pikachu: "Pika"

3rd pov: After that little incident the group made their way to Twinleaf town, it took skipping lunch and jogging half way there, but they made it right before sunset

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: "Why are you complaining? You've been sitting on my shoulder for almost all of the trip!" which house is her's.....

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "Of course I know where her house is......"

3rd pov: Luckily for Ash he heard Dawn's voice coming from one of the houses so that made things way easier

Ash: "Well that simplifies things"

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "I dunno. I gues I'll just knock on the door and pray they let me in"

He procedes to knock

Dawn: Who the hell's at the door? Mum said she wouldn't be back for another few week's.....  "Piplup can you get the door because I'm on the phone?"

Piplup: "Pip!"

Ash: "Hi Daw- oh hi Piplup"

Piplup: "Pip? Piplup!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Dawn: "Yeah I'll call you later, I've gotta go check up on Piplup"

Ash: "Dawn? Hello anyone here?"

Dawn: No way it couldn't be him..... "Ash? What are y-

3rd pov: Dawn stopped midsentence as Ash huged her tightly causing the bluenette to blush deeply

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