Ch. 6 A Sandile Catastrophe!

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2 days later

3rd pov: After healing up his pokemon, taking a day to rest, and meeting back up with Trip, the group were heading towards this special "Nacrene City Sauna" or whatever it was the locals spoke so highly about. The group didn't care too much since they were just waiting for the gym leader to come back so they could challenge him or her to a battle.

Trip: "Why isn't rufflet or pikachu in their pokeballs?"

Ash: "Well pikachu doesn't like going in his pokeball and rufflet is keeping warm an egg i found recently "

Trip: "Interesting."

Ash: "So Trip beside servine have you caught anything else?"

Trip: "Nah man i havent seen anything i want to catch but its fine im sure I'll find something soon. But I have helped some of my friends catch pokemon"

Ash: "That nice of you ma- oh shoot mate i think we're here"

3rd pov: Ash and Trip made there way to the sauna that they had heard so much about and, in fact, much to the pokemons delight, there were 2 sauna's, one for pokemon and one for humans. While Trip and ash were chillaxing their pokemon were having a very heated discussion.....

Pikachu: "I swear to Arceus that it's that damm diglet who keeps throwing sand at us! ( uses his pika tail to point to some random diglet)"

Servine: "Pikachu there is no way its that diglet since I've been watching him to make sure he didn't move!"

Pikachu: "Who keeps throwing sand at us then?!"

Rufflet: "Probably the sandile with sunglasses thats laughing at us."

Both "Pikachu and Servine: You tell us this now!!"

Rufflet: "Woah woah in my defense i was busy taking care of my egg. Besides who cares, it's just trying to have fun."

Servine: "Oh yeah i forgot to ask; how did you even find an egg anyways?"

Rufflet: "Oh well it all started with-"

Pikachu: "Shush we'll talk about that later but right now we should probably deal with that sandile before it "

Sandile at hearing its name throws a big clsuter sand and throws a rock at pikachu

Pikachu:" Oh you asked for it you little c###! Fear my Thunder Attack!"

3rd pov: Even though sandile is a ground type pokemon it still get heavily effected by pikachu's thunderbolt leaving the poor sandile on the verge of collapse, this finally gets ash and trip to notice what their pokemon were doing

Ash: "Pikachu what the hell happened!" I swear this happens every time I let you out of my sight....

Trip: "Oh no we've gotta get this sandile to the pokemon center quick!"

Servine: "Ser!"

Ash: "Trip go on ahead I'll stay with our pokemon!"

3rd pov: "After thanking Ash Trip went straight for the pokemon center, all that mattered for Trip was to get this sandile with shades some medical treatment, quick"

Trip: "Cmon legs just a little..... bit further!"

Sandile: "Dile......."

Trip: "It'll be okay buddy were almost there!"

3rd pov: Sandile tried to run away from the human but since the crocodile was too tired he simply stayed put.

Back with the other pokemon and ash ( btw ash and well no other humans can understand pokemon speech only you, the person reading this can because its a story and it makes it more fun to write)

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