Ch. 43 Doing it All Again.... (A mini chapter)

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AN: Basically just copied and pasted Ch. 43 into this, except modified some of the talking between Dawn, May, and Ash. Plus I modified the ending (you'll see)


3rd pov: Finally it was his last night in Unova where, in front of a large crowd, he'd announce which league he would challenge! But that was for later, for now, both May and Dawn were celebrating Ash's victory by buying all of Ash's favorite food and then burning it in front of him! Well no they didn't do that but I wish they did. Uhh instead the 3 friends all sat down with their pokemon and had a feast, a party of sorts, since everyone knew that as much as they wanted to stay together tonight would probably be their last with each other for a long time..........

Ash: "So....."

May: "So..."

Dawn: "So...... are we just going to ignore the fact that both of us have kissed you and you've yet to respond to either of us?"

3rd pov: Everyone, including their Pokémon, stared intently at Ash Ketchum, waiting for his response.....

Ash: "Well.... I don't...... you guy's know I'm not that good with stuff like-"

May: "Love?"

Ash: "Yeah, that alien concept..."

Dawn: "So I'm guessing we're not getting a response tonight?"

Ash: "But..... even if I do pick someone both of you are leaving within a few days to continue your journey's while I have to stay in Unova so what good would it do if I confessed to someone and then we immediately had to go our separate ways?"

3rd pov: Ash's question stumped the group because he was technically right. Of course he didn't realize that both girls could and were willing to postpone their dreams for him but..... it's probably a good thing he didn't know that.....

Dawn: "Well..... at least if you do confess it'll put May at peace of mind knowing she never had a chance"

May: "Ye- wait what?"

Dawn: "Moving on...."

May; "No. What did you just say?!"

Ash: "Guys?"

Dawn: "I said that you never had a chance"

May: "Dawn, I love you as a friend but if you keep talking crap I will kick your-"

Ash: "Guys! Chill out aren't we supposed to be celebrating? Ya know since this is the last time we'll be together for.... probably a long time ya know"

May; "Yeah...."

Dawn: "Hey there's no need to worry right? I'm sure we'll bump into each other somehow and maybe Brock will join us again!"

Ash: "Yeah man have I' missed his cooking..."

3rd pov: Dawn, whom ever since rejoining Ash had been the one cooking got heavily offended. Luckily for Ash he quickly backtracked and saved himself from a quick death.....

Ash: "So..... where are you 2 off to anyways?"

Piplup: "Pip!"

Ash: "Dawn, care to translate?"

Dawn: "Yeah, me and Piplup decided that we could use a vacation after our recent victory so we're off to Alola!"

May: "Where's that?"

Ash: "Oh it's a group of Islands just a few hours from Kanto, from what I've heard it's like the orange Islands except more tropical. But where are you going when this is over May?"

May: "I think I'm going to travel through the Kalos Re-"

Dawn: "I didn't know they had contests in Kalos"

Ash: "They don't but they do have something very similar with pokemon performances put on by.... well performers."

May: "And how do you know so much about it?"

Ash: "After professor Oak told me about mega evolution I-"

Dawn: "What the hell's mega evolution?'

Ash: "That's for another time. Anyways apparently mega evolution comes form Kalos so I started doing some general research about the region and naturally learned about their pokemon performances."

Dawn: "Lies...."

Ash: "Why would I be lying?"

Dawn: "I still haven't figured that part out yet but I know you are....."

3rd pov: Finally getting to the 3rd round of dessert, Ash was about to dig in when he got a phone call from a very important person..... quickly excusing himself from the 2 girls Ash listened very closely to what the caller had to say, and though a bit shocked at the sudden news, quickly accepted both the position and agreed to announce it during the ceremony.....

A few hours later

3rd pov: After finishing up his phone call and returning to his "friends", Ash, Dawn, and May killed time by reminiscing on their previous journey's, wether it be together or alone, before quickly making their way towards the former Vertress Conference battlefield since, at least from what they were told, a podium with a microphone had been setup so Ash's decision could be broadcasted region wide, needless to say, Ash was just a bit nervous..... or very nervous but with one very quant and very fitting speech from unovan champion Iris Ash was invited to take the stage and make his announcement. Taking his cap off before speaking Ash made a few short remarks about everyone who had helped him get to where he is today and all of his team and everything they had gone through with him. Ash, taking one final moment to recollect himself, announced that he would be challenging the Unova Elite 4, and, that he would be helping to establish the battle frontier in Unova!

3rd pov: The champion quickly took back the microphone and infront of everyone publicly challenged Ash to a fight, 5 vs 6, for the title of Champion..

Ash: "Bring it."

3rd pov: A certain ravenette's mother could be seen cheering on her son from the stands

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One fight remains..... Till next time,


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