New Book?

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AN: Yo! Now that this book is done..... Is there any Pokemon book ideas for me? I know, kinda rude of me but I keep trying to write books, I get 3 or 4 chapters in and then I scrap them. It's kinda frustrating and..... I wanted to see if you guys/girls/creatures had any ideas so........ If you do, comment.

Till next time,


Some ideas I came up with are;

What if Gary traveled with Ash to Hoenn? (In this case Gary might have not went down the route of being a professor or maybe he still would have just he decided to travel with ash, interesting things I can do with it)

What if Ash won the Kalos league? (In this story I'd kinda be forced to stick with much of xy anime because ash did so well but....... could be an interesting idea to explore)

What if Ash was born in Sinnoh? (I actually tried to write a book with this idea, got 6 chapters in but....... I could try again.)

What if Ash and Pikachu got sent back in time to their beginning (Kanto)? (Okay for this I'd have to involve celebi or Dialga (for obvious reasons) and they'd have to get sent back in order to stop something from happening in the future. For this I could have them sent back during some point in the anime like maybe they got sent back after the events of sun and moon and still had their memories and experiences as trainer and Pokemon intact or....... I could have them transported when ash is an adult and a Pokemon master, though I feel like that might be a little but to much creativity for a mediocre writer such as myself....)

What if Ash started his journey in Hoenn? (Basically replace him with Brendon and may would be a mix of anime may and videogame may. Though max would probably get the boot...... would may become a traveling companion or a rival? And if she did become a rival then who would ash find as a traveling companion since Brock is out of the picture? Could be fun.....)

What if Galar wasn't bs and actually had Ash and Goh challenging gyms and ya know, traveling through GALAR! Yeah this one would be completely different from the anime but I would probably still include Goh since I think if handled correctly he can be a great combat companion. Plus the darkest day plot wouldn't happen within the first half of the book....... Like bruh whoever writes the anime wtf?

What if Paul traveled with Ash to Kalos? (Ohh the only reason why I'd even consider doing it is imagining the fights between Paul and Serena, I mean like Paul wouldn't be as rude as he was back in DP but he wouldn't be necessary nice to Ash either and knowing Serena........ It would be a very interesting book if I did it right.)

What if I basically just did what the manga of gen 1 did but with different characters? (Okay if you haven't read the manga of gen 1....... Might as well commit Seppuku but anyways if I were to do something like the manga except in Galar or Kalos ECT. It would be very interesting in my opinion..... I might try to do this anyways but.....)

What if Ash re-explored/rechallenged a region? (Now this could be any of the regions that he already explore tbh I just through this in cause it could have some potential......... some......)

Btw did you guys like the extra content I gave? I wanted the story to have a good ending so.............. I guess I should go now, back to the labs to try to make a new story. Till next time.....


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