Ch 1. Arriviving in Unova

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How the writing works:

Ash: "I currenty have 3 gym badges" Unless you include my gym badges from different regions.....

Ight you see how before I and after badges there are "" marks? Yeah that means ash is saying that outloud, the rest if that is him thinking in his head, hopefully this explanation made sense but if it didn't you'll catch on when reading it 

Authors Note! Guys going forward for the rest of this story if you catch Grammer errors (which I'm sure there's alot) tell me. I will go about fixing them because if there's 2 things I hate, it's authors not finishing their bloody stories and Grammer mistakes
.Thank you in advance!

3rd pov: Ash Ketchum , after departing from his Sinnoh traveling companions, Dawn and Brock, was currently waiting for his plane to land in Nuvema Town, Unova......

Airplane voice lady: "Attention passengers we are currently landing!"

3rd pov: Ash hearing this could hardly contain his excitement; a new region, new pokemon, and possibly new friends and rivals! It was to much for the young kantonian, luckily pikachu kept him calm till they got off the plane, that is until they got off the plane......

Ash: "Heck yeah Unova here i come!"

3rd pov: Passerbys gave the kid weird looks causing our Raven haired trainer to become very self conscious and quickly moved away from the plane as to save himself from any more embarrassment. Though Ash, much to the Amusement of Pikachu, started walking in circles not knowing where to go...... After awhile Pikachu knew it had to help it's trainer

Pikachu: "Pika??"

Ash: "Oh yeah professor oak said that the professor of this region was in the next town over which according to my called acumala town!" Weird name...... "so anyway's we should probably head there first right buddy?"

Pikachu: "Chu!!"

Ash: Uhh why do you always want ketchup......  "Later pikachu first we've gotta figure out where route 1 is..... it should be here somewhere............"

3 hours later after finding and almost getting through route 1

Pikachu: "Pika Pika Pika-"

Ash: "Shhh pikachu look at that pokemon"

3rd pov: Ash and pikachu both hid in some bushes while looking at the pokemon, since ash still didn't have a unova pokedex he had no way of figuring out what it was but that still didn't stop ash from trying to catch the pokemon

Ash: If I want to catch it we'll need to weaken it first....  "Pikachu use your thunder attack on that bird-like pokemon!"

Pikachu: "Pika!!!"

Ash: "Alright now use quick attack!"

Pikachu: "Chu!!"

Unown pokemon: "Ruff....."

Ash: "Alright heres our chance; Go Pokeball!"

3rd pov: After a few tense seconds of waiting ash heard a click signaling that the foreign pokemon had been caught

Ash: "Yeah we did it!"

Pikachu: Chu!!

Ash: "That was awsome!" though I should probably get it healed before sending it out.....

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: "Oh you lazy bones alright get back up on my shoulder"

4 hours later in Acumala Town

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