Ch. 3 Fighting the Water Monkey

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Ash: "Wait so who are your brothers?"

Cilan: "My brother's names are Cress and Chill"

Ash: "Where are they?"

Both Chill and Cress: "Right here!"

Ash: 3 gym leaders? But I don't have 3 pokemon with me.... "Oh.... Its nice to meet you cress and chill well um I'm ash ketchum from pallet town and i challenge you to a gym battle!"

Cress and Chill: "Alright then which one of us do you want to battle?"

Ash: Cress look's like a more competent battler...... "Oh.... I guess  I pick Chill?"

Cress: "Dammit....."

Chill: "Alright then challenger, how many gym badges do you have?"

Ash: "Right now i have 0 " at least in this region...

Chill: "Hm..... alright then this will be a one vs one battle, are you ready?"

Ash: "Oh you bet i am Rufflet come over here for a sec please"

3rd pov: Hearing it's trainers call rufflet stopped eating its oran berries and flew over to him

Ash: "Hey little buddy, do you think your ready for a real battle?"

Rufflet: "Ruff...... Ruff!"

Ash: "Fantastic!" but first let me check what moves you have.....

Pokedex: this rufflet currently knows Peck, quick attack, leer, and bide

Ash :  Bide could come in handy.....

Cress: "alright I'll referee this match; This a one vs one fight, between gym challenger Ash and Gym leader Chill, no substitutions allowed, is everyone ready?"

Ash: "Yup"

Chill: "As always brother"

Cress: "Alright then...  battle begin!"

Chill: "Go Panpour!"

Panpour: "Pan!"

Ash: "We've got this rufflet!" look's like a water type...

Rufflet: Ruff!

Chill: "start off with your bubble attack"

Ash: "Dodge it rufflet"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Chill: "Thats fine Panpour use rain dance"

Panpour: "Pour!"

Ash: it's nice having a beginners fight after the madness that was Sinnoh..... "Now go in for your peck attack!"

Chill: "Counter with bubble beam"

Ash: "Hit it with quick attack!"

Chill: "No! Panpour, you okay?"

Panpour: "Pan..... Pour!"

Chill: "Great now use Ice Fang!"

Ash: "Crap Rufflet use..... bide?"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Chill: "Ha! You wont survive for that bide to come to use, now panpour, ice fang one last time!"

Panpour: "Pan!"

Ash: "Cmon Rufflet i believe in you!"

3rd pov: Rufflet, slightly terrified but knowing it's trainer was relying on it stood valiantly taking the ice fang and finally released the energy he had been collecting, knocking out panpour in the process....

Cress: "The winner is challenger Ash ketchum and his weird looking rufflet"

Ash: "Yay we did it rufflet!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!!"

3rd pov: Confuse with why his trainer was yelling Pikachu woke up from his nap.

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "Ahh you finally woke up, we were just challenging the gym"

Pikachu: "Pika?!!?"

Ash: "What? I was planning on using rufflet anyways so theres no need to-"

Pikachu: *Pikaa Chuuu!!!!!!"

Ash: "Oww! What was that for?!"

Chill: "Err ash do you still want the badge?"

Ash: "Oh yeah i completely forgot!  Thank you cress"

Chill: "My name is Chill, my brother is Cress"

3rd pov: After getting a tad embarrassed about his mistake Ash quickly left, saying how he had to get rufflet healed up at pokemon center ,  luckily getting there without any hassle and after giving both rufflet and pikachu (just in case the ketchup was too much) to nurse joy Ash realized he had'nt checked up on his friends or his mom in a while, he wisely chose to call his mother first

Delia Ketchum: "Ash? Oh what took you so long to call? And wheres pikachu?"

Ash: "Sorry about taking long, i kinda forgot to call you at nuvema town since i was busy trying to get the unova pokedex oh and pikachu is getting checked by nurse joy"

Delia: "Aww well it's great to hear from you dear but i actually have to grab some groceries with mimy oh and dont forget to call me sometimes"

Ash: "Yes mom I'll call you again soon"

Blissy: "Blissy!!"

Pikachu: "Chuu!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

Ash: "Oh thank you blissy"

3rd pov: after retrieving his pikachu and rufflet from blissy ash decided to call one more person before going to bed

Ash: "Brock? Hello?"

(Brock appearing on screen)

Brock: "Oh hi ash whats up? Oh and hi pikachu"

Pikachu: "Pika!!"

Ash: "Hmm? nothing's wrong, me and pikachu just wanted to call cause well...  usually by now we end up bumping each other again"

Brock: "Ohh well i dont think that'll happen this time Ash since currently I'm in Jhoto, learning in a medical school"

Ash: "Wait what?! Thats fantastic Brock I'm so happy for you!"

Brock: "Yeah it's nice but how has unova been treating you? Any new friends?"

Ash: "Actually yeah, say hi rufflet"

Rufflet: "Ruff?"

3rd pov: After sending out his bird brock nearly gasped just like professor juniper did

Brock: "Is that a shiny pokemon!!?"

Ash: "Yeah i know right? super cool. Also he helped me win my first gym badge"

Brock: "Hey ash are you traveling..... alone?"

Ash: "Uhh so far yeah why do you ask?"

Brock: Nothing..... well actually.... it's just that this would make it your first adventure by yourself"

Ash: "Yeah i guess your right. Usually by now i would've met someone who would wanna tag along but so far nothing"

Brock: "Weird.........."

Someone from brocks end: "Brock get over here quickly we need your help!"

Brock: "Oh shoot im coming! Sorry ash but i kinda gotta-"

Ash: "I get it man don't worry we'll talk soon"

Brock: "Thanks gotta go bye"

Ash: "Bye"

3rd pov: After finishing up his call from brock ash decided to get some sleep because tomorrow he wanted to go check out some ruins he had seen along the way, but thats tommorow for now this man needs some rest!

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AN: Okay chapter, don't really have anything to say so... Till next time,


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