Ch. 30 Sootopolis City!

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3rd pov: Staring out of a planes window was Ash Ketchum, watching the occasional wingull go by he couldn't help but feel extremely excited! He was finally back in Hoenn, and he wasn't competing either so he could treat it as if he was on vacation..... with a really cute girl who also happened to be his best friend...... After getting off the plane Ash and Dawn first went to where the contest was being held so Dawn could register, apparently the contest was tommorow so they had one free day. With only each other.....

Ash: " What to do in Sootopolis City...... How about swimming?"

3rd pov: Dawn immediately turned bright pink but kept her composer as best she could.....

Dawn: "Shouldn't we get a room somewhere first?"

Ash: Your an idiot Ketchum! "Oh yeah...... oops."

Dawn: "You and May, I swear both of you are so screwed"

Ash: "Yeah....... But uhh should we book in a hotel instead of the poke-center? I mean we're only staying for like 2 days and I've got money, maybe somewhere near the beach?"

Dawn: "Yeah actually..... That's...... That's a real good idea, this may be the first time you had one of those!"

Ash: "Laugh it up..."

3rd pov: Giggling at her best friends frown Dawn regained her composer and quickly found a hotel near the beach, after getting a room (with 2 separate beds) the duo quickly took turns in the bathroom to change into their swimsuits....... Having arrived at the beach and releasing their Pokemon to play with them, Ash couldn't help but "notice" his friends swimsuit.......

Dawn: I can't believe it's just the two of us...... "Wanna race?"

Ash: she looks so cute.... "Where to?" L

Dawn: "I've got an idea, piplup can you swim over there please and Dewott can you stay right where you are?"

Piplup: "Plup!"

Dewott: "Wott...."

Dawn: "Great, we'll start by swimming to where piplup is and then we'll swim back to Dewott, sound good?"

Ash: "Yup, alright 1...... 2........ Hey that's no fair I didn't even say- ya know what? Dewott use aqua jet and help me catch up!"  O

Dawn: "You wouldn't!"

Dewott: "Wott!"

3rd pov: Though Ash had indeed been kidding Dewott didn't really care as it saw a way of pissing off Dawn so obviously it not only use aqua jet it also used surf to put Ash way in first place and at the same time drenching Dawn with water, specifically her hair......

Dawn: "Why you little! Togekiss give me a lift!"

Togekiss: "Kiss"

Ash: "Your flying now!?! Fine I didn't want to do this but Braviary come help me out!'      N

Braviary: "Brav!"

3rd pov: Though Togekiss had a head start Braviary was slightly faster and got Ash to piplup in time but upon pleading from Togekiss, dumped ash in the water, Dawn started laughing at Ash not realizing the Same was about to happen to her

Dawn: "Ha that was- wait no not my hair again!"

Ash: Guess were both swimming back..... "Race you back to Dewott?" M

Dawn: "Oh your on!"

3rd pov: The 2 trainers swam as fast as they could but ultimately Dawn edged Ash out and won the race, Ash wasn't mad though, in fact he was feeling better than he had in a long time, almost as if just being away from Unova made him feel more like his old self........

Ash: "I love it out here! Why'd I ever leave?"

Dawn: "Your journey right? You had to keep going"

Ash: "Ah that's why....... I wouldn't mind living here, in Hoenn I mean"

Dawn: "Why? Not that it's a bad place or anything like that I'm just curious"

Ash: Cause it's so tropical here.....  and the ocean is close by..... "The Sea Dawn, I love it out here!" 

Dawn; "I guess I-..... Hold up"

Ash: "Yeah?"

Dawn: "It's not because May lives here right?"

3rd pov: Ash quickly hid his blush as best he could before answering with a quick Nope, though Dawn was now heavily suspicious and kinda hurt...... After that Ash and Dawn just swam around for awhile, both not looking the other in the eye for different reasons....

4 hours later at the hotel

Ash: I hope she's not still mad at me..... "So..... wanna go get dinner?" N

Dawn: Dinner? "Ah it's only 5 in the afternoon, why would we-

Ash: "Please?"

Dawn: "Ash that doesn't work on me"

Ash: Dammit...... She has grown to resist it. "Well if you don't want to eat now..... why not go watch a movie, by then it'll be about 8 right?"

Dawn: I still want to be mad at him though..... Whatever. "Sure just..... give me a minute to get ready, come on Piplup"

Piplup: "Plup!"

Ash: "Have fun washing your hair!" While she does that..... shouldn't I change into something more...... comfortable for the weather?

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "I refuse to wear pink"

Pikachu: "Pika"

Ash: "No"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: "Continue this and your not getting ketchup with your ice cream next time"

Pikachu: "Pika!?!????!!?!!"

3rd pov: Ash decided to wear something...... more casual, changing into some shorts and a black shirt the only thing he hadn't changed was his iconic hat and his stupid grin

Ash: "So...... how do I look?"

Pikachu: "Pika"

Ash: "I don't look like a dork!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: "yeah yeah....."

3rd pov: Just as Pikachu was about to continue their argument Dawn finally came out of the bathroom and Ash couldn't help but stare, earning a thundershock from Pikachu and a curios glance from Dawn. Anywho after watching POKEMON; I CHOOSE YOU, a story that gave ash and pikachu some de ja vuu, the duo ate at a nice restaurant, with Ash for once not stuffing his face the 2 could actually have a conversation........ After paying for their bill Ash and Dawn made their way back to their hotel room...... After a long day the 2 ultimately decided to get some rest because tommorow was going to be a long day between Dawn's contest and meeting up with May, they had a lot to do......... Both Ash and Dawn couldn't help but smile at today's events, even if their Pokemon were they it felt like just the two of them.........

Ash: Almost like a couple..... Wait what! Me and Dawn? But we're best friends........

Dawn: Does Ash like me or.... maybe May? Uhh sometimes he's so hard to figure out! "Night Ash, night pikachu."

Pikachu: "Chu...."

Ash: At least I'll get to see a contest again..... "Night Dawn, night piplup"

Piplup: "Plup...."

1090 words

Sry about the short chapter,
I kinda skipped the movie and dinner scenes but oh well.........  Until next time,


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