Ch. 2 Familiar Faces and New Bonds

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Night time; Route 2

3rd pov: After departing from prof. Juniper's lab Ash, along with Pikachu, made their way through route 2 with relative ease, only stopping because it had gotten dark out. A perfect time to meet their newest team member....

Ash: "Alright pikachu i guess it's time to meet our new friend! Be ready in case it's aggressive"

Pikachu: "Pika!!"

Ash: Here goes nothing... "Go Rufflet!"

3rd pov: Upon releasing the small bird  Ash was shocked that it was so scared of him, even cowering in a corner, fearing for its life

Ash: What a reaction... "Uhh hi rufflet my name is Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu"

Pikachu: "Chuu...."

Ash: perhaps food will calm it's nerves?  "we were just about to have dinner and  I do have an oran berry if you want it"

3rd pov: Unsure if wether to trust the man infront of him, Rufflet quietly cried out it's name.

Rufflet: "Ruff....."

Ash: "Hmm....... here I'll just leave it here with you, umm eat it whenever you want and uhh hey pikachu how about you hang out with rufflet?"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

3rd pov: As ash ate by himself while pikachu stayed with rufflet trying to get the little bird to get near ash with little results...

Rufflet: "Fflet Flet!"

Pikachu: "Chu Chu!"

Rufflet: "Ruff....."

Pikachu: "Pika!"

3rd pov: After over 30 minutes Pikachu finally got Rufflet to sit near Ash and after awhile the little bird started to take a shine to it's trainer and even slept next to Ash when it sas time for the group to sleep

The next morning

Ash: "Hmmm....... Brock 5 more minutes....."

Rufflet: "Rufflet! Rufflet! Rufflet!"

Ash: "Wait what?! Rufflet wheres pikachu?!"

3rd pov: Rufflet motioned for ash to follow it and then began to fly up in the air to where pikachu had been taken, ash right behind his new feather friend. After a bit of traversing Ash found who were the culprits, a familiar trio along with a stolen Pikachu, his Pikachu

Ash: Who else would it be? "Team Rocket....."

Rufflet: "Ruff?"

Ash: "Forgot to tell you about people like them did I? "

Rufflet: "Ruff...."

Ash: How to explain this... "Basically they are a group of thugs who kill and steal and are just bad people. Those 3 have been hunting my pikachu for years now but whatever. Hey Rufflet, do you think..... well..... can you battle?"

3rd pov: Rufflet at first cowered at the thought but hearing Pikachu's screams for help gave Rufflet the courage he needed, puffing out his chest he nodded towards what pikachu called "Ash"

Ash: "Awsome! Alright lets go save pikachu!*

Team Rocket Jessie: "The twerp! What are you doing here twer- oh your here for pikachu huh? Fat chance of that meowth go teach that twerp why team rockets feared"

Ash: "Rufflet, I choose you!"

3rd pov: The small bird flew infront of it's trainer, not one for battles Rufflet slightly quivered upon seeing the cat like pokemon before it but, knowing that he couldn't let Pikachu be taken, stayed by his trainer's side ready for a fight.....

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Meowth: "Woah itz one of those shiny pokemons! The boss'll be happy if we grab that too, Alright feel my fury swipes!!"

Ash: "Rufflet use peck attack!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

3rd pov: Rufflet being inexperienced barely hit meoth, doing minimal damage meanwhile meowth really hurt the poor bird, in the process scaring him

Rufflet: "Ruff!!! Ruff......."

Ash: "Dont give up Rufflet pikachu needs us!" I should've brought another pokemon with me...... but.... Rufflet can handle this, right?

Pikachu: "Pika Pika!"

Team rocket james: "Shut up rodent!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!! Ruff!!!"

3rd pov: Hearing the cries of Pikachu refilled Rufflet with determination, this time the bird locked eyes with it's opponent in anticipation for an attack.... seeing the look of determination in his new pokemon Ash chuckled, mostly to himself...

Ash: He'll make a fine fighter if taught properly...... "New plan, Rufflet, pick up meowth's feet with your claws and bring it up in the air"

3rd pov: Meowth was being held by it's feet by rufflet while rufflet was struggling holding up the cat like creature

Ash: "Alright now rufflet drop meowth"

Meowth: "Wait whatz?!? No!!!"

3rd pov: After successfully knocking out Meowth Ash ordered his flying friend to break Pikachu's cage.....

Ash: "Now quick free pikachu"

Rufflet: "Flet!!"

Pikachu: "Pika!! "

Ash: "Yes! Good job Rufflet. Pikachu, use your thunder attack on team rocket!!"

All of team rocket: "We're blasting off again!!!.........."

3rd pov: Watching them blast away Ash let out an inaudible sigh of relief...

Ash: "Now that that's over lets head to
Striaton city and if we're quick we can have lunch at a restaurant!

3rd pov: Hearing this pikachu's ears went up thinking about all the ketchup it could get while rufflet was just happy about saving Pikachu....

3rd pov: Making it to Striation, Ash couldn't help but blurt out,

Ash: "Ahh here we are, Striaton city!"

Pikachu: "Chuuu!"

Ash: "Hmm? You smell food? Well then lead the way Pikachu"

3rd pov: Unbeknownst to ash and pikachu they arrived at not only a restaurant but also the cities gym

Cilan: "Hello may i take your oder sir?"

Ash (after sending out Rufflet so it could eat too): "Umm I'll have a cheeseburger, 3 bottles of ketchup, and a platter of oran berries please"

Cilan: "Right away sir"

20 minutes later

3rd pov: Pikachu had already passed out from all its ketchup while rufflet was just on its second oran berry, Ash had already gobbled 2 cheeseburgers before realizing something...

Ash: "Mr. Cilan, can I ask you a quick question?"

Cilan: "Of course sir"

Ash: "Do you happen to know where this cities gym is? I didn't see anything that looked like it when i first got here"

Cilan: "So your a challenger then.... Interesting. Alright then well if you want one of my 2 brothers could have a gym battle with you, sadly i cannot since I'm busy with the restaurant"

Ash: "Wait this is the Gym?!?!?"

800 words

Yes i know it feels like it is moving a tad fast but dont worry by the 3rd gym things will definitely have slowed down quite a bit so...... dont worry I've got a plan for this story; as always,


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