Ch. 27 A Battle against Drayden

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3rd pov: It had been 2 days since Ash's battle with Trip. In 2 days Ash had healed his Pokemon and, in his words, 'dealt' with Dewott's disobedience.... Having arrived at the gym Dawn wished Ash good luck and made her way to the sidelines while Ash challenged Drayden......

Ash: "Drayden, I, Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town, challenge you to a gym battle

Drayden: "Ash was it? Well I'm going to guess you've got at least six gym badges right?"

Ash: "seven"

Drayden: "Alright then, Danny would you referee?"

Referee Danny: "Course sir, this'll be a 5 vs 5 Pokemon battle, only the challenge can substitute his Pokemon, and no use of items? Both of you ready?"

Drayden: "Of course"

Ash: "Yes I am"

Referee Danny: "Alright then, first move goes to Drayden, battle begin!"

Drayden: Time to find out what's so special about him...... "Go Dragonite!"

Dragonite: "Gon!"

Ash: Flying/Dragon? Hmph. Then I'll use..... "Deal with this Houndoom"

Houndoom: "Hound!"

Drayden: "Start this off by flying to the ceiling and use Dragon Dance"

Dragonite: "Gon"

Ash: Oh no you don't....... "Houndoom bring it back down to the floor with rock throw!"

3rd pov: Surprising both the Referee and Drayden, the Fire/Dark type sent a hurd of rocks towards the equally surprised Dragonite, causing the creature to lose focus and get hit by the super effective move......

Drayden: At least he completed dragon dance..... "It doesn't matter how many fancy moves it has, Dragonite hit it with Dragon pulse!"

Dragonite: "Gon!"

Ash: It's powered up....... "Houndoom dig underground and hit him!"

Houndoom: "Hound!"

Drayden: "Stop using dragon pulse and soar back to the skies quick"

3rd pov: Luckily for Ash Houndoom was fast enough that it landed dig on Dragonite before it escape but Dragonite being enraged did landed a pretty powerful power-up punch making it so both Pokemon were heavily weakened......

Drayden: "Dragonite finish this with Dragon Rush!"

Dragonite: "Gon!"

Ash: looks like this it...... "Houndoom defeat it with Fire Blast!"

Houndoom: "Doom!"

Referee Danny: "And it looks like........ both Pokemon are unable to battle! Send out your next Pokemon"

Dawn: A tie? At least Ash still looks confident.....

Piplup: "Plup!"

Swablu: "Swa!"

Drayden: This is who Trip looked up to? "Come on out Haxorus"

Haxorus: "Hax!"

Ash: Dammit Houndoom.... "Go Whirlipede!"

Whirlipede: "Whirli!"

Drayden: maybe a more agressive strategy will help me win..... "Haxorus start off with flamethrower!"

Haxorus: "Hax!"

Ash: Flamethrower? As if we hadn't prepared for that...... "Whirlipede first use string shot, them dig down and drag Haxorus with you!

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