Ch. 39 Keep Going

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AN: Here's an extra chapter cuz I feel like it.

3rd pov: After depositing his Pokemon to the poke center Ash met up with Dawn and May, whom wouldn't stop trying to get young boy's attention..... anywho after going out for dinner the 3 "friends" decided to look more into whom Ash was fighting, but using the public databases. Finding out that the guy tended to rely more on physical attack led to Dawn giving out some advice........

Dawn: "So for this fight you'll probably want to play very defensively since from what I'm reading this guy can get impatient quickly and-

Ash: "And once he makes a mistake I strike at him!"

Munchlax: "Munch!"

Ash: "Nice to know that you've got my back munchlax"

Munchlax: "Munch!"

May: "Why not use Sceptile for this fight? I'm sure Blaziken would love to see-

Ash: "No"

Dawn: "Why not? From what I've heard your Sceptile is pretty strong so what gives?"

3td pov: Ash scratched cheek nervously and quietly laughed at himself

Ash: "You see...... I kinda was planning on sticking with my Unova crew since they were the ones who got me this far and-

Trip: "and you wouldn't want to rob them of their chance to shine"

Ash: "Trip!"

3rd pov: Jumping from his chair, Ash immediately ran up to Trip and gave him a man hug. Trip was quite surprised, what had happened to the Ash that so mercilessly beaten down his Pokemon? What happened to the trainer Elesa had spoken so terribly about? Shaking off the feeling that something wasn't right with Ash Trip reciprocated the hug and teased,

Trip: "Jeez are you starting up your own harem?"

3rd pov: Dawn blushed heavily and Ash couldn't help but feel an immense dread while May immediately smacked the boy in the head

Trip: "Oww! Oh and nice to meet ya! My name's Trip, and you are...?"

May: "May Maple, and this is-

Munchlax: "Munch!"

Trip: "Well it's nice to meet you both oh and it's good seeing you again Dawn"

Piplup: "Plup!"

Trip: "And you too piplup"

Ash: Should I apologize to him? Nah.... "So I'm guessing you're competing?"

Trip: "Yeah! The first match was hard but I managed..... how about you?"

Ash: "What do you think?"

Trip: "Yeah my friend already told me but I wanted to hear it from you"

Ash: "Your friend? Someone I'd know?"

Trip: "You'd know of him since your facing him tomorrow ya know?"

Ash: "Your friends with..... what was his name again?"

May: "Stephen"

Ash: "Yeah thanks may. So your friends with Stephan?"

Trip: "Guess you've never met my friends before have ya? Well you'll probably be facing some of them since their competing...... wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Anyways I'll leave you three to whatever you were doing so..... Bye!"

3rd pov: After Trip took of Ash couldn't help but feel a little guilty....

Ash: He...... I could see fear in his eyes.... uhh I've gotta get some sleep before tomorrow...... "Dawn, May; I'ma sleep so.... do whatever it is you guys do"

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