Ch. 38 The Vertress Conference!

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The Next Day (before the last bit in ch. 37 when they split)

3rd pov: The champion of Unova, Iris, spoke towards the crowd, welcoming them and officially starting the Vertress Conference by lighting a great torch with her Reshiram's sacred fire....... before leaving Iris reminded everyone of the rules, each trainer had to fight in 5 battles in order to make it to the finals, all of which were going to be 6 vs. 6 battles.  She went on to say whomever won this year's conferences is going to be granted the special privilege of  challenging whichever of the 6 core  league's they want (Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos)...... After giving off one last show of power with her Reshiram Iris left her adoring crowd of fellow trainers and unovan's........

Dawn: "She's awesome right?"

Ash: "Yeah...... though I think I met her actually"

May: "You met the champion?!"

Dawn: "Typical Ash...."

Ash: "Yeah..... right before I reached Nimbasa City she found me knocked out in the middle of a sandstorm"

Dawn: "And how did that happen?"

Ash: "Iris said something about hypno....... but everything is a little bit woozy when I think about it.... " And that's where I first started thinking about Anabel....... wonder if I would've wrote that letter if it wasn't for hypno....

Pikachu: "Pika...."


3rd pov: It finally was happening, the Vertress Conference! After the initial fire was lit to signify the start of the conference Ash eagerly waited for his first match, which after a few hours, was finally here.......

Announcer: "Will Ash Ketchum of the Kanto Region please step out onto the battlefield?"

3rd pov: Walking out to the massive crowd Ash couldn't but feel nervous, it'd be embarrassing to lose at the first match though from what he'd heard his compation wasn't too fierce.....

Announcer: "And will Cameron of Unova please out onto the battlefield?"

3rd pov: Ash watched as the young kid ran towards the battlefield, falling on his face before quickly getting up and shaking hands with our hero......

Announcer: "The battlefield will be.... a grassy field with Ash Ketchum getting the first attack!"

3rd pov: Cameron childishly pouted while Ash looked on, amused by the young trainer.....

Ash: Who to use? I should send someone whom I know can do alot of damage and who doesn't have many weaknesses so...... "Go Scizor!"

Scizor: "Zor!"

Cameron: "That's a flying type! In that case go ferrothorn!"

Ferrothorn: "Thorn"

Ash: A flying type? How did this kid even make it into the conference..... "Scizor let's kick it off with Air Slash!"

Scizor: "Zor!'

Cameron: "It had air Slash!? Oh no ferrothorn use Protect!"

Ferrothorn: "Thorn"

Ash: Wait a Damm minute if he thought that scizor was a flying type then why would he be shocked when it used air slash? Either this kid is trying to play dumb or he's actually just stupid....... "Scizor use brick break!"

Scizor: "Zor!"

Cameron: "Ha! Ferrothorn use protect again!"

3rd pov: Shocking literally no one but Cameron, the brick break smashed through protect and resulted in ferrothorn taking massive damage

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