Ch. 23 Challenging the Ice Type Specialist

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( I know it's quick but... things will slow down a bit after this ch.)

2 days after Ash's fight with Clay

3rd pov: Having beaten Clay Ash and Dawn traveled to Iccirus City, after taking a day to rest the duo tracked down Brycen, the gym leader, whom upon hearing Ash's name tensed up and quickly accepted his challenge, hearing that ash had collected 5 gym badges by standard rules it was a 4 vs. 4 battle. Luckily this time Dawn didn't have to referee so she, piplup, and swablu went to the stands to cheer while Ash got ready for his battle........

Referee: "This will be a 4 vs. 4 battle, only the challenger can switch pokemon and no use of items, the first move goes to gym leader Brycen!"

Brycen: Finally I get to fight this boy.... "Bearatic, I need your assistance"

Bearatic: "Bearatic!!!"

Ash: Kinda reminds me of Ursarang..... "Houndoom come on out!"

Houndoom: "Hound!"

Brycen: Hmph. Smart choice kid...... "Start off with Dragon Breath Bearatic"

Ash: "Flamethrower, let's Go!"

3rd pov: The 2 Pokemon's attack's clashed, neither giving an inch until finally bearatic overpowered houndoom and landed a dragon breath, hurting houndoom and increasing Bearatic's special attack

Ash: "You okay Houndoom?" Get up!

Houndoom: "Hound...... Houndoom"

Brycen: Interesting....... "Dragon breath again"

Bearatic: "Bear!"

Ash: We can't take him head on...... "Dodge it Houndoom!"

Houndoom: "Hound!"

Brycen: "Running away won't do you any favors, Dragon Breath till you hit him"

Bearatic: "Bear!"

Ash: Houndoom can't dodge forever...... "Get in close and use Fire Fang!"

Brycen: "Bearatic use Mach punch"

Ash: "Protect!"

3rd pov: Before Houndoom could fully set up protect it had gotten smashed by the super effective move, sending the dog flying towards the wall yet..... It got back up.....

Dawn: Ash'll think of something.....

Ash: This isn't going very well..... useless dog... "Err Houndoom go for fire blast"

Houndoom: "Houndoom.."

Brycen: Sorry kid. That simply isn't strong enough! "Bearatic use dragon breath one last time!"

3rd pov: Both attack's, instead of colliding with each other, hit their respective targets resulting in.......

Referee: "Houndoom is unable to battle, please send out your next Pokemon"

Dawn: No way! How could he have...... well ash can still win this....

Ash: Dammit! guess it's your time to shine little buddy....... "Return Houndoom. Go Pikachu!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Brycen: That! That's what beat Burghs Volcarona? I've gotta be on the top of my game for this one..... "Bearatic destroy it with avalanche!"

Ash: He look's...... tense? maybe he knows that Pikachu's my ace..... Doesn't matter. "Pikachu use quick attack into Iron tail!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

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