Ch. 10 Battling the Castellia city gym?

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Boat Captain: "I hope you enjoyed your stay in liberty park!"

Ash: "I did. Thank you again sir"

Pikachu: "Chuu!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

Egg: "............. thud"

3rd pov: After getting back on the mainland Ash asked a couple of locals where the gym was located who pointed him towards the heart of the grand metropolis. After a bit of walking and getting through walls of honey Ash finally made it to the gym...

Ash:"Hello? Err I've come to challenge the gym"

Pikachu: "Chuu?"

Rufflet: "Ruff?"

Burgh: "What took you so long?"

Ash: Burgh!! "Your the gym leader?"

Burgh: "Yup. Anyways if you really do want to challenge me then this'll be a 3 on 3 match, sadly my referee called in sick but I'm sure you already know the rules right?"

Ash: "Yup, no switching, no use of items, and no throwimg pokeballs at the gym leader"

Burgh: "yeah, sounds about right; whenever your ready send out your first pokemon"

Ash: This Damm bird better not lose......  "Alright rufflet i need your help; take to the skies!"

Rufflet: "Fflet!"

Burgh: "Leavanny come on out my friend"

Leavanny: "Vanny!"

Ash: What a wimpy Pokemon.... "Oh your making this too easy burgh, rufflet lets start this off with a wing attack!"

Rufflet: "Ruff!"

Burgh: "String shot its wings Leavanny"

Leavanny: "Vanny"

Pokemon speech activated

Pikachu: "Rufflet use that move i taught you yesterday!"

Rufflet: "But i wasn't able to do it prop-"

Pikachu: "Just do it"

Rufflet: "Fine! if only to impress eggy..."

Egg: "........ thud thud"

Pokemon speech deactivated

3rd pov: Upon pikachu's command rufflet broke the string shot with steel wing, ash being very suprised ended up going with the flow and ordered rufflet to use steel wing on leavanny which after awhile knocked it out

Burgh: "Return Leavanny, ash before i send out my next pokemon would you like to switch out rufflet?"

Ash: Well no duh! This things useless... "Yeah...... rufflet get some rest, venipede i choose you!"

Venipede: "Veni!"

Burgh: "Well in that case, Whirlipeade show them who's boss!"

Whirlipeade: "Whirli!"

Pokemon speech activated

Venipede: "Oh hell yeah! Bring it!"

Whirlipeade: "Oh you sure you can handle me runt?"

Pikachu: "Kick his a## venipede!"

Rufflet: "Oh eggy, it's okay, pikachu just gets rilled up whenever someone's battling......."

Pokemon speech deactivated

Burgh: "Lets start this off with screech!"

Whirlipeade: "Whirli!"

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