Ch. 44 The True Ending

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AN: Yo! Last chapter my Bois...... To get you caught up to speed, Ash challenges the Unova league and Iris decides to battle him right there and then..... Cheers!

1 day before Ash's announcement

3rd pov: Ash had been talking with his oldest rival for what felt like hours discussing a wide variety of topics but...... Ash had asked for a favour, one Oak planned on giving......

Gary: "Are you sure about this Ash.... Wouldn't they wait a few months?"

Ash: "The champion spoke with me yesterday, said she planned on fighting me tomorrow......."

Gary: "Shit Ashy boy think your ready for this?"

Ash: "Ready for the weight of the world upon my shoulders? Keep in mind I've died before Oak...... Compared to that, this isn't to big of a deal"

Gary: "So May and Dawn are going to Kalos and Alola? Which one are you going to follow?"

Ash: "I....... Well if I become champ I'm kind of stuck here ya know?"

Gary; "But hey, didn't you say that Scott wants you to create a battle frontier over in Unova? That'll be fun right?" though canonically I shouldn't know this.....

Ash: "I dunno Oak...... things seem to be moving so quickly ya know?"

Gary: "Yeah I know Ash but...... We'll be there tomorrow, you've got my word on that"

Ash: "Thank you Gary"

Gary: "Don't get sappy on me. Smell ya later!"


Ash: 'Sigh' something's never change...

Pikachu: "Pika?"

Ash: "He said yes Pikachu, they'll be here"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash: What would I do without you Pika......

Present Time

Announcer: "Oh my Arceus folks! After the league winner, Ash Ketchum announced that he'd be challenging the Unovan League Champion Iris waved away any requirements for beating the elite 4 and challenged him herself! Who will win in this clash of Titans????"

3rd pov: Iris briefly went over the rules with her challenger but was stopped at one certain rule

Iris: "What? You want it to be a 5 vs 5!"

Ash: "Yeah? If I won it wouldn't be fair at all!"

Iris: Are you sure, you'll need any advantage you can get!"

Ash: "I'll be fine. Now let's get on with it..."

Iris: "Your right. Besides we want to give these people a show right!?!"

Ash: "Hell yeah let's do this!"

3rd pov: The ref didn't even get a chance to announce the rules, no need to with such battle heartened trainers. Ash, being the challenger, had the first move.......

Ash: I should save Pika for later...... "Houndoom, I choose you!"

Houndoom: "Doom!"

Iris: "Dragonite, fight by my side!"

Dragonite: "Gon!"

3rd pov: Dragonite starred down it's opponent with what could only be described as pure hatred....... Houndoom didn't let it get to him...

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