Ch. 34 Battling the Maples

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3rd pov: Well rested, our hero's quickly ate breakfast. After some back and forth the group had decided that May, Dawn, and Brock would go on ahead to Slateport while Ash stayed behind in order to challenge both Max and Norman........ before leaving May asked a question that caught ash off guard; "Soo..... who is Scott giving that letter too?" Ash stopped breathing for a second but quickly regained his composer and denied that he ever wrote a letter....... May gave him a look that could only be described as murderous before leaving the young ravenette confused and slightly scared for his safety. Luckily a certain trainer broke him out of his trance

Max: "Are you ready Ash?"

Ash: How did May know about that letter? Does she know what I wrote..... But why should I be worried about wether or not she knows...... it's not like I wrote anything bad but what if-

Max: "Ash?"

Ash: "What?

Max: "Are you ready to battle?"

Ash:"Yeah yeah I'm ready. C'mon let's fight somewhere that..... Isn't your house"

Max: "Yeah we have a battlefield in the backyard!"

Ash: "Cool!"

3rd pov: The 2 trainers, along with Norman, made their way to small battlefield.......

Ash: So how many Pokemon do you have?"

3rd pov: Max puffed out his chest proudly and replied, "three"

Ash: "Alright then this'll be a 3 vs. 3 battle, Norman would you mind being the referee?"

Norman: "I don't mind at all! Alright this is a 3 vs. 3 match, no substitutions or items allowed, Max get's the first move"

Max: "In that case go Mightyena!"

Mightyena: "Might!"

Ash: He must know I don't have any fighting types.......I don't know wether to be creeped out or impressed.... "Help me out Scizor!"

Scizor: "Zor"

Max: "Alright Mightyena show that bug our strength with Fire fang!"

Mightyena: "Might!"

Ash: I hope Scott gets that letter to her soon....

3rd pov: Not realizing that he was in a battle Ash let Scizor take a direct Fire fang causing Max to look very annoyed at his friend for seemingly not caring about the battle

Max: "Fine then, Mightyena end this quickly with ice fang!"

Ash: Wait where am I? Shoot I'm in a battle! "Scizor quick grab Mightyena and use seismic toss into X-Scizor!"

3rd pov: Catching the new trainer off guard, Max didn't have enough time to warn his beloved wolf before it was grabbed and then thrown across the battlefield......

Max: "Mightyena can you still fight?"

Mightyena: "Yena!"

Max: "Great! With all your power use Hyper beam!"

Mightyena: "Might!"

Ash: Time to focus. Hyper beam is really powerful but afterwards Mightyena won't be able to move..... so all I have to do is dodge the attack..... or maybe? "Scizor try..... Try using your claws to deflect the hyper beam back at Mightyena!"

3rd pov: Shocking both Max and Norman Ash's Pokemon was able to pull it off, knocking out Mightyena in the process

Norman: "Mightyena is unable to battle, Max, choose your next Pokemon"

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