Ch. 20 A battle in the Skies!

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3rd pov: After getting off their plane Ash and Dawn asked around and found out that the gym was at the airport itself! Sadly though the gym leader wasn't there.....

Dawn: "So where do you think this gym leader is? I mean we could check the Pokemon center, or that tower we saw during the plane ride....."

Ash: "I mean it's not like I have to battle her today..... Besides-"

Trip: "Ash! Is that you mate?"

Dawn (whispering): "who's that?"

Ash: "Remember when I was telling you about trip? That's him"

Trip: "Who's this Ash, your girlfriend?"

3rd pov: Both Ash and Dawn blush heavily at that, both denying it at the same time causing Trip (and Pikachu and piplup) to laugh at their expense, after some more introductions Trip finally challenged ash to a 1 vs 1 battle

Ash: Why not a 2vs 2...... "Sure thing! Pikachu go with Dawn"

Pikachu: "Pika..."

Ash: "Sorry bud maybe next time"

Dawn: Ash...... "Wait what about your gym battle?"

Trip: "Oh your looking for Skyla right? She's getting her team healed after getting slammed by my krokorok!"

Ash: So that's why he doesn't want a double battle, krokorok is probably at the poke center...... "See Dawn I probably won't be able to battle her anyways, besides I won't be using who im I was planning on using for the gym anyways"

Dawn: Wait ash has a plan for the gym? Since when did he plan things? "If you say so....."

3rd pov: Dawn, piplup, and Pikachu make their way towards the sidelines so they can cheer ash on

Piplup: "Plup?"

Dawn: "Oh sure thing, come on out swablu!"

Swablu: "Swa"

Dawn: "Piplup thought it'd be a good idea if you watched this battle, you might learn something cool"

Back to Ash and Trip

Ash: Should I go easy on him? "When you're ready send out your pokemon"

Trip: I will win this time..... " Alright go Pignite!"

Pignite: "Nite!"

Ash: A fire type....... and a starter at that....... in that case I'll choose........ "Go Houndour!"

Houndour: "Hound!"

Trip: He caught a houndour? Wait till he hears this.... "Pignite start off with brick break!"

Ash: What! What should I do? "Houndour use...... Use rock throw!"

3rd pov: Houndour did as was told but since Pignite was using a fighting type move it broke threw the rocks easily and a landed a supereffective hit on houndour

Trip: How does that thing know rock throw! Ehh I've gotta stay focused.... "Pignite keep up the momentum, brick break again!"

Ash: What if I wait for him to get close and then I..... Yeah that might work! "Houndour don't move!"

Dawn: That's Suicide! What is he planning........ "You've got this Ash and Houndour!"

Piplup: "Plup!"

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Swablu: "Swa!"

Ash: Any second now....... "Use Water Fang!'

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